Summer Hot Spots?

Hey I was just wondering if there are any good areas to race this summer?? I’ know ********* at night had its moments last year, and imagine that will prob go on every once in a while this year… but are there any areas that have less chance of gettin busted by the police??? :burnout:

:throws flame suit to 86iroc: here put this on ASAP

dont post locations… PM people

5th and forbes and welcome

My bad guys… I didnt know that posting locations of street racing wasnt allowed? But I guess there is other ways to find out where the fun is going on at.

^^^^^^^COP^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :wtf:

shaggy beat me to it … 5th at forbs ever friday night at 10pm. If you can find it that is.

Dude they race 4 wide down Fifth, but becareful of the suprise that’s down there at the end of the route…

if youre trusted you will be invited, if not then youre on you own

That has to be one of the nocest things u have ever said on quik,EVER :finger:

So is that why I dont get the invites? /all of you

no, you need to have something worth racing. :grouphug:

those words best suit you

ya and u need to stop bring ur kids power wheels to the races

Well, how do I get invited? I’ll come down.

[QUOTE=Sight N Sound][/QUOTE]
Never said I was gonna race, and how do you know what I have done to my car??? But n e ways, I just wanna watch a couple before I bring my car out to race.


you like oreos

:rofl: what did u add, one of those electric superchargers on ebay?

I guess thats ur attempt of talking shit or something. But, no, I didn’t. Didn’t do too much yet. That’s why I’m not trying to race yet. Just wanna spectate. Nothing wrong with that… right?