Anyone from here? (716 Racing) *Now with moar AK47*

Everyone in the summer meets every week and has a good time hanging out. I don’t know how anyone hates on a group of ppl doing car things when this is a car forum.
There are A LOT of ppl that go to these meets with all sorts of different cars with a wide range of age.

Car people doing car stuff…… who would have thought?

im not sure if people here are mentally challenged or just too fucking advanced


I’m just mentally challenged.


Is there a turn out of people playing loud puerto rican music?

I have no problems with puerto ricans at all, just cant stand meets where people have to blast the music. (anyone remember the scooter with the subs)

Please don’t come out to meets

Also, don’t move to Southern CA.

Just an FYI but I’m not anti-cars…at all, but parking lot lounging gets old. I’d rather just go out for cruises with the lady and meet up with friends. That seems to be what the 716 crew does, just another crowd. I can’t bash on that :tup:

You could always come out and find out for yourself rather than asking for a personalized pre-screening of attendees that need to match your meet attendance requirements.



Why, because one of the last meets I went to that was organized by one of the guys on 716/person who posts all the videos… was full of loud and obnoxious, shitty music that the majority couldn’t stand as well. What’s wrong with asking? It’s like being at a teenage rice show.

Edit: I can go to cruise nights if I wanted something like that.

There hasn’t been any loud obnoxious music.

However why would you want to hang around people who enjoy cars and cruising its a much better time to sit home on the internet hate on it.

Like I said before there is a very wide variety of cars that show up Civics, 240sx, GTR, S4, BMWs, F-bodies, Mustangs, Evos, Subies, etc. They usually hang out for a bit and cruise they have drove out to Fort Niagara a couple times.

If you’re more interested in street racing a bunch of them meet up late night on the weekends in the city.

It’s very similar to how UBRF/NYSpeed was at one point

It’s really not too bad. There’s good and bad but it’s all cars/trucks/bikes.

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Actually there is one 17 year old in the group his name is tristian and he has a elco lol @Slaw, tbh I have grown to love the group of people. @DrDoS spends a lot of time making videos and organizing events to make people enjoy cars tup to him. Can’t wait to go to a meet when my cars back on the ground.

u drive miata…that’s self explanatory

A Miata joke, that’s a new one.


Motocrossx23 and yamba6 you should try to stop being so condescending in every post you make.

Must be a silver convertible thing…