anyone going to lime rock this weekend

Well this is more For Jeff since he is stepping into the control position, but Yes.
Sometimes it is a newbie who is so confused or afraid to make the pass. So you need to nurture them along and nicely explain the way it should work. Usually the instructor has already done that-- but it is also a great learning opportunity for newbies to understand Big Brother (aka Corner workers) really are watching.

Now then you get someone who maybe just got signed off, thinks they are the second coming of ( Insert Senna, Schumacher, Mario etc here) and then you need to be very stern or rip them a new orifice --depends on their reaction ( you need to watch peoples eyes when they come in for a discussion with the BLack Flag Steward/ Chief etc.

Sometimes you need to “ask” them to step out of the car or go back to the paddock --or Grab the Chief instructor to “coach and counsel”

And then there is 4Off at the 90 at WGI. That is always a nice discussion, especially since I have used the pavement a few times.