Anyone going to LV this wednesday!? again.

are you guys serious? The weather that Hits us, usually travels South. All the stuff you guys are getting down in Lathem right now, I had 20 minutes ago up here at exit 11…

Judging by my awesome weather man skills, this stuff is heading right up lebanons Ass.

Its a storm of epic perportions!

Lebanon is East, bud.

ok?? Im pretty sure the Storm is big enough to say F-You to everyone heading down there

Its supose to snow you fucks

Check a radar…storms have been heading north the last two days.

Yea this storm came from the easy rather then west

15% chance at 6
25% chance at 7
20% chance at 8

im leaving now :smiley:

leavin in a few.

So was this shit closed

im sure it was

got there in time to see brett trap 102.4mph


ha, wasn’t closed. Got to see a solid 1.5-2 hrs of T&T AND! got a free re-admission for next time from Howard!

well im glad u fuckin guys had fun i was in the rain all fuckin day, not cuz of the bike i was traveling via car but was outside a shit ton and got fucked up with rain


I just got home from work u fuckers! 21hrs, thank you storm.

I still have my rain check from last week!


add 11 mph to that :lol

Nice :lol

i hot lapped. 3 runs in like 15 minutes. first run was right off the highway. car was quicker/faster each run. no launch, spun 1st and 2nd all the way down… still got some more boost to throw at it on pump, exhaust is really choking the car at this point, i need a full 3inch turbo back… car stayed together, shifted flawlessly. i just need to relearn the car and obviously get some tires

So what was the best ET?