Anyone going to LV this wednesday!? again.

i want to run. booooo rain

im still going. would like one terrible pumpgas/ street tire pass

has anyone called recently? its lookin realllll dark in guilderland :facepalm

I called too and they said it’s nice there and it’s only a 5-10% chance of rain. Me and Pete are going.

Dude its bee NON STOP raining here all day. I dont see it staying dry for long up there. But GL

called 47 seconds ago kramerbuzzsaw.

Well that sucks for you guys in Rotterdam, Colonie/Latham/Menands has been dry and sunny all day long until about 5 minutes ago.

Are you serious?? :banghead

yep, hot and humid till about 4:00

WTF!! Im getting fucked here…lol

Yea its flooding now in colonie

Yeah got water balloon sized rain drops falling over here

Shit is just slowing down now

have fun Vaginas…

clifton parks power is out, and theirs flash floods everywhere.


and it was pouring in guilderland until 3 minutes ago and now it’s slowed to a drizzle

Nobody gives a SHIT SHIT SHIT.

So are people actually chancing this?

yes ma’am

Yeah, shouldn’t be too bad

lol they just changed it 30 seconds ago, not looking so hot now :facepalm

You guys are dumb if you think it aint gonna rain up there lol. You’ll get there, sit down, and it will start raining.