Anyone going to LV this wednesday!? again.

exactly… fuckin sucks



track tomorrow? anyone?

yea if the weather holds out i’ll be running.

12.99 bone stock or bust.

yea i definitely want to go if the weather is nice!

Guys have run 12.8ish on stock IX RS models w/ only flashing the launch control to about 6000 vs 5500 (stock). 5500 makes it a bit tricky to launch as you need to run a quick slip of the clutch…too much slip=burnt stock organic badness…too little slip=bog and badness.

yea, i think i found the sweet spot for slipping it. we’ll see what happens. i’d be excited with just a 12.99.

seems very obtainable.

fuckkkkkk rainnnnn

dont look like anyones goin to the valley this week

I want to go bad, but I don’t think the weather looks too promising :expressionless:
Pops said I could even take the firebird for a run!! Damn.

I want to go bad, but I don’t think the weather looks too promising :expressionless:
Pops said I could even take the firebird for a run!! Damn.

DAMN this weather

rain rain go away come back another day

I was looking to get alot of runs in next week anyway, however it has rained every day this summer



this pisses me off. almost EVERY SINGLE FUCKING wedensday is cancelled…

yay rain!

Get the aqua treads out!!

oh hell yeah