Anyone going to LV this wednesday!? again.

If its open tomorrow I’ll. Be running my new setup.

Me and wayne are running, should be a good time now that its all cleaned up.

yea wtf it better not rain. you little special fuck, if it rains it’s your fault! i wanna rematch now that i’ve evened the tire ods! prick! :slight_smile:

what the fuck. i just looked at the weather. i’m driving the cobra to work anyway, i swear to god if it rains i’m going postal.

30% rain

We’ll be good to go for tommarow. Only thirty percent chance.

30% of the time it rains every time

haha I’m probably not making it to any more Wed. night T&T’s unfortunately, due to my new job…wouldn’t make it out there until atleast 7PM.
Plus I may run my car once more, at Englishtown, and only in hopes of achieving my ET goal.

i will prob run my car one more time on a colder night

1320x is on the upcoming events list on the website.

they need to do another pinks/pinks all out there too.

i think arm drop live could be a good event

ill run again, but i need someone to call me and wake me up otherwise i wont be up until like 10pm, work 3am-11am FTL

Ill call you when I meet up with dbag

if it doesnt go atleast 11.01 @ 128 youre doing it wrong.

He has a way different motor than when the setup went 11.01 though.

yeah cuz a stock GSR like matt had is nasty.

A lot better than an LS non vtec…

so the ls-vtec never happened. roger. 12.01 @ 120 then

Idk, given the power it made and being that LS non-vtec’s don’t move very well, I’m going to say it traps 116ish.

what did it go on the old setup he had?

106-107 I believe

Frank if you dont break the sound barrier off your self