Anyone going to LV this wednesday!? again.

what do you trap again???

yah. Im going to try to get gears done within the next few weeks.


i’m usually like 120-130 in the 8th, its tricky though cause i keep spinning on the shift from 3rd to 4th.


stock injectors too.

Oh, and last year when I was trapping 114-116mph, my 1/8th’s were consistant 90-91mph. So LVD’s timer might be a few mph’s off.

yah im starting to figure that out now lol

makes sense then because rubin is usually a 93-95 car in the 1/8th

i do 91, and trap 114, pretty average pickup.

Not necessarily… I did 102.X in the 1/8th, and I dont go 125+.

Ya cant just make blanket statements like that.

im in the low 90s for my 8th and mid to higher teens for 1/4 sounds about right.

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking last night when they were saying “oh that’s impossible”…It could just mean he’s hooking and movingggggg to the 1/8th and then the higher gearing/gears hurt him in the back half.

Yup! EVERY car is different(obviously), some cars are all 1/8th(like mine at the moment), and some pull like a fuck in the back half. Just because one car traps XXX in the 1/8th doesnt mean it will necissarily trap XXX in the 1/4.

my car is a all a top end car.

I mean 2.5 60’ trapping 115.xx lol All top end power

it wasn’t a blanket statement at all, i should’ve been a bit more specific.

You need this then:

what ya doing looking at camaro’s huh???

Got posted on SVTP :lol

alot of ford owners hating or what???

Nah, SVTP has alot of open minded people actually. And there are actually a TON of F-body guys on there as well…

It is a badass setup!