anyone going to oc md june 6th-12th?

needed a getaway for a couple days! going to visit some friends and its senior week… taking the bike/truck and some friends down

boardwalk balconi hotel room… …

go tear up some senior whores… i guess… :hahano:

anyone oging to be down there? i know the car show’s around the area so i didn t know if anyones staying longer or not…

senior week :drool:

i will be there for the weekend… plan on going out at night and doing it big

weekend of the show? the week end ill be there will be 10th/11th/12th

I’d have to check my schedule, but im guessing ill be in town! :finger:

Look me up and I can show you all the cool places to go.

i could come down for an early 22nd b-day binge

this is the perfect place for it! Taxi’s, drunk busses, and bars on every corner!

i hope the drunk busses are able to be hosed out… i puke like a self-conscious teenage girl trying to fit into a prom dress.


Yeah, they kinda frown on that. You can puke all you want in a cab though, if you dont mind paying the $150 carsick fee.

Theres a good chance im coming to the OC car show… since the car should be painted.

I had to do a call around last night about that weekend since we are booked. Only thing still available in town is a few rooms at the Clarion, and they’re like $250 a night. You are more than welcome to crash in my room. I reserved a big one, 2 beds and a pull out sofa. Since its a sold out weekend I cant really get that much of a break on the price (I can get 10% off, so ill be paying like $80/night), so if you can throw like $20 that would be P-I-M-P. :naughty:

This offer goes for anyone.

i have two double beds in my room and so far its just me and the girl. so if anyone needs space to sleep you are more then welcome

:naughty: MAY I SLEEP WITH U???

maybe I’ll just cancel my room… :naughty: :3some:


holla… she might have a friend coming now… this girl is awesome, she will drink more then anyone

i can t wait… getting new tires put on the truck/bike everything fixed… on everything…

looking forward to a drunk week… so this week is the same week everyones going then? if so im @ howardjohnson 3rd floor… balconi… boardwalk… if you on the board walk and you need a beer or something! hehe…

i quit drinking… but that week’s going to be a exception…