Anyone going to Toronto? ride?

Is anyone going to Toronto? Or could I get someone to drive and throw them gas and toll money? I need to pick up sideskirts and a cat-back exhaust, and the guy who makes the sideskirts leaves this weekend for 2 months. I can’t drive over the borded as I don’t get my license back for 2 weeks (bs from a year ago, bought a new car and drove it home and got tagged for driving without insurance)

anyone help me out?

possibly… how big are the items? would i be able to fit them in my trunk with the backseats folded down?

I’m off on Friday. woo

you should come detail my car finally :slight_smile:

I can do it for ya, pm me

Do you want me tooooooo+?

I think Friday may actually be a nice day. I was going to drive to Ithaca but I have decided against doing such since I can do what i wanted over the phone.


u have pm

anyone willing to go up on Sunday? I work 11-8 Friday and Saturday

I can go Sunday also, you have my #

i could do saturday early… like leave at 7am, but that’ll be cutting it close to get you back by 11am

hahaha thats hilarious josh ^

yea I’m not sure if I could cut it close on saturday, as I have to open so I have to be there on time

anyone up for sunday?!

iam off sunday ill do it man