termites ate his cane
He was a horse jockey, and his rival kept cutting the end of his cane, so the jockey though he was getting bigger and therfore would become heavier and then he killed himself
I know someone said the answer is coffin…
But my mother is a Cemetery broker and a good chunk of her clients are pre-need (ie, they are the buyer of their own coffins/plots/vaults/etc).
lol and then logic came to town :lol:
One of my favorites. how many people remember “Die Hard with a Vengeance”…
You have a 5 gallon bucket and a 3 gallon bucket. You need to fill the 5 gallon bucket with exactly 4 gallons. How do you do it?
Take the 3 gallon bucket and pour it into the 5 gallon bucket.Fill up the 3 gallon bucket again and pour until the 5 gallon is full.You then dump the 5 gallon,pour the 1 gallon thats left in the 3 gallon bucket into the 5 gallon bucket and refill the 3 gallon bucket and pour into the 5 galloon bucket
That’s why I hate so many riddles like this, I’m too logical about them.
Also why I never liked the Sherlock Holmes books… I remember going to read the first one and being all excited because it was a murder mystery that I could try and solve while reading the book myself. Something about this woman was killed in an apt, the door was locked on the inside, the window was broken, but she was like 10 stories up, furniture was thrown around the room, I dunno, a few other random things.
I thought and I thought about it for days before I finally decided to keep reading. In the end they told you that what they DIDN’T TELL YOU was that a giant gorilla had escaped from the local news and had swung up a giant tree and and into her apartment and beat her with like a broomstick or something stupid.
I was so pissed off.
WOW, there is actually 2 ways then.
The other would be to…
Take the 5 gallon bucket (full) and dump it into the 3 leaving 2 gallons in the 5 gallon bucket.
Then empty the 3 gallon bucket.
Pour the 2 gallons from the 5 gallon bucket into the 3 gallon bucket, leaving exactly 2 gallons in the 3 gallon bucket.
Then fill the 5 gallon bucket and use it to top of the 3 gallon bucket.
You will have poured out exactly 1 gallon out of the 5 gallon bucket, leaving exactly 4 gallons in the 5 gallon bucket.
The man is a blind midget. For various reasons too complicated to go into, someone else has been sawing small pieces off of his cane every night, so that every day he thinks he’s taller. Since his only income is from being a circus midget, he decides to kill himself when he gets too tall.
the word “and” ???
A girl is at her moms funeral, she meets a man they talk and flirt for a bit then they exchange numbers before they leave. A couple days go by and she hasnt herd from him so she calls him several times through out the week and he never returns her calls, then two weeks later she kills her sister, why?
Who would win in a fight…Ditka or God?
ok i’ve gotten all of the ones that arent ridiculous, but this is going to bug me. whats the answer?
wow, very good everyone i ever asked that would say the same stupid answer like “it was her sisters boy friend” or “her sister was sleeping with him” -(stalkers is what they are) but yes she is right on! :tup:
Ditka is God
An easy one…
A Cowboy rides into town on Friday… 3 days later he leaves on Friday. How is this possible??
omg oldest riddle in the world
horses name
“what has 4 legs, then 2 legs and ends up on 3 legs?”
another oldie