anyone got a sand blaster?

I can remember awhile back someone had a post about performing sandblasting… I got a valve cover I wanna get blasted… Anyone???

I think Hank has one at his shop

I knew someone did…

got 2 actually and a 3rd one soon… :ninja

Wanna do a valve cover? How good does it work on them you know? Im not sure if im gonna paint it or go for a clean polish look. Let me know

Damonspeeds has one. I believe thats who your talking about.

it work’s fine… but u need to make up your mind on wether or not ur going to paint or polish.

if u decide to paint sand blast is fine. if u polish sand blast not so good. you’ll have to sand the hell out of it to get it smooth b4 polishing. if u decided to polish a chemical wash will work fine.

That’s cool… I like the look of the painted but once it chips. Ur back to square one yanno. Where could I get it chemical washed? If I were to paint it what’s the best paint to use?