Anyone got an Evo X?

PS… Don’t launch until you can drive your car.

^^^ +infinity

$750 for a tune? wow whos tuning that thing?

on my trip to buff the past week, and back, i have seen:

two of them


Every X has 2-step? I know mine came with it, did they offer it on the VIII’s?

my first production run 8 did not have it

the last time i went to nyirp, there was a blue evo there running mid to high 14s. the owner let emery drive it the last run of the day and he ripped a 13.7 i think.

the kid was nice, i think he said he lived in geneseo.

^^^^that was the blue one that i was talking about. the kid works (or at least was hanging out there) at advance when i went in for a fitting.


And that has what to do with this topic?

On topic, I really like the new Evo’s they look great unlike the new STi’s.

there was a black X at S&R tonight

That’s his :wink:

That’s normal price for evo x. Perrin, AMS, Dyno4mance, Dynoflash - All $750. It’s the ECUtek license fee I guess that jacks up the price a bit. It’s a one time fee so your second tune and every tune thereafter (if you want another) is like $250.


I haven’t seen him around. I’ll keep my eyes open. I wonder what he’s done to it (if anything).

New evo front end is wicked. My spoiler is rather high (makes me think of a shopping cart when you look at it from the side). No offense to IX owners but I wouldn’t have bought an evo if they didn’t change the design. I couldn’t drive something (for that price) that I didn’t truly love. Don’t get me wrong they are awesome cars (performance-wise), but they don’t compare to the new X design.

I think you are crazy…I love evo x’s don’t get me wrong. Look for threads started by the user letitroll and tell me his car doesn’t look simply amazing. All of the parts are OEM too, except for the wheels.

I was wondering why i haven’t seen you driving this around here. Sick car :tup:.

i like how the progression of the drivetrain, well


with both the EVO and the STi

and the looks just got shitted and flushed. Who on earth is designing these brilliant machines? Are they autistic or something?