Anyone got an Evo X?

yeah i hate the way the X looks. the front doesnt look that bad but the rear looks really cheap… especially those taillights.

man that track (in the vid) needs to replace some bulbs lol.


That’s funny, I find the rear to be the most appealing part of the car, visually. I’m still very mixed on it overall, however…

I didn’t want to start a battle, I just happen to love the design of the new X compared to the previous generations. The back end of the X isn’t anything special, but nor was the back end of the evo VIII and IX. Just my opinion. All evo’s are still excellent cars.

i like the engine/drivetrain etc but i just am not a big fan of the new styling.

i like the evo 6 the best.


The new evo appears to be too tall for me, however it’s unaesthetic appearance is not dissuading me from thinking about buying one.

Although I do like the 9s the most, I love the AYC and wish it would have been in all US production models, every year.

VIII’s and IX’s are more “sports car” than “sports sedan”. The X is more “sport sedan”. It’s more refined, costs more, and has a better build quality to appeal to a different market. Still tons of power and a drivetrain that now isolates you from the road rather than demanding you take every second you are behind the wheel seriously like the VIII’s and IX’s.



i like the 8, 9 front end better than the X

The X is growing on me. At first I didn’t like it at all but every time I see one I like it a little bit more. I will agree that it does look tall and the tail lights look like they were borrowed from another car.

alfa romeo 159^^^^^

thats why i dont like it… looks too much like that. not that it looks terrible which it doesn but that popped into my head immediately when i saw the car.


I also have mixed feelings on the looks of the car. I did see one on the road, blue, when I was riding my bike and it looked very very good. However, I saw the one in Toronto at the auto show and it looked like arse.

i think the X is WAY hotter than any other evo.

i think the 8 and 9 both look like turds.

^ I think you’re GAY

and my dad can beat up your dad.

remember all dsm’s are all the same you only get 3 out of 5 stars

(puts on flame proof suit)

It’s not a DSM. :gotme:

Coming from the STi owner. :biglaugh:

that car is ugly.

LOL… I haven’t heard that one before… I love it :tup:


Where do I insert my penis?

shit yeah. my sti looks way sweeter than any evo EVER.

The STI defines ugly. I would rather have a Suburu over a Mitsu but I’m never going to buy something that looks like that…and especially not a wagon.

No offense to you STI owners, to each his own.

Pink headlights and Herro Kitty aside…