Anyone Had Any Real Experience Tunning An SAFC?

Hey guys whats up.

Well I finally got my SAFC, thanks Phil :smiley: , for my KA-T project in the new year. Now I would like to install it along with my SR Injector’s and play around with it to learn more about it. I have all the wiring diagrams and I am not looking for any real HP or Torque gains from doing this. It’s more just to learn.

When I do finally get the turbo in, I’ll be having the car tunned on the dyno but it would be nice to know exactly what’s being done.

So I would like to know if anyone here has had experience, be it your car or a friends, using an SAFC on a KADE? What the settings were and so on and maybe a hand actually doing it with me.

Thanks guys and have a good one.

Easy 8)