Anyone have a DLP TV?

I got it in 5 days, not a big deal. And I had the cash to pay for it. But it was $1699 at stores. I got it for $1399. Then it dropped in price $200 in the 30 days after purchase, so I got a credit back. Then I also found a $170 mail in rebate.

So basically, my 46" only cost me just above $1000.

Shop around.

BTW, I love this tv. Amazing picture quality. HDMI, VGA in, USB. Etc Etc Etc…

It’s the miiiirrrrrorrrs

but seriously, go Sony or go Home :smiley:

Samsungs look really sweet but seems like they have issues down the road. I love my Sony :tup:

edit: actually on a semi related note… when programming officially “switches” to HD (what 2009 is what they say?) is it switching to 1080i, or 1080p or does it not matter?

they both have issues. the sony is known for the 1 lcd taking a shit, the dlps eat bulbs. i would rather replace a bulb than an lcd.

pay a little extra and get the 4 year warranty. they will send you the bulbs all day long, a much easier fix than swapping an lcd.
not to mention that screen door effect is the suck.

Amazon had a 4 year warranty that covers bulb replacements that I got for $119. This extended my warranty to 5 years.

If I had to guess, I would say 1080i. That is the highest broadcast resolution that I have found so far. Thats just a guess though.

good point, i guess with warranties it really doesn’t matter… i’ll keep the warranty on my tv until it’s replaced, they’re pretty cost effective it seems

that is also my assumption - however what exactly is the point of 1080p then ? Ps3? are HD-DVD’s 1080p or 1080i?

We were supposed to have “switched” to digital and HD by now… it ain’t happening by 2009 either.

I don’t know. I haven’t compared 720p to 1080p but I can barely tell a difference between 720p and 1080i. I’ve read that for gaming, you want 720p or 1080p because of the fast moving objects on the screen. For TV, I don’t think it matters. Thats why I wasn’t too anxious to opt for 1080p.

it is when the super bowl is in 4 days :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t have toworry about that :slight_smile: Procratinators :mamoru:

From what i remember the switch is it all has to be digital by 2008. That is why all tube TV’s must include a digital tuner. There is no date set for HD and that definitely wont be by 2009. There are only about 50 HD channels available right now.

1080P is still a ways away for programming to be broadcasted off of. Right now it’s here for PS3, blu-ray, HD-DVD.

Chino… Also as a note the only programming that will be fully switching will be Broadcast HD… The cable networks can wait as long as they want.

Bikerfry… I wasn’t trying to start a pissing match… I was just saying… I saw rainbows, and I can never un-see them…
I’d pick up an LCOS (JVC HDILA) vs a DLP.

:word: & :word:

Easy trap door access FTW. Replace a bulb every 4-5 years… but who keeps a primary TV set the same for that long?

It’s highly likely 1080P won’t reach broadcast for a VERY long times. Bandwidth is the biggest problem from what I’ve read.

No pissing match. :slight_smile: Hell I don’t know enough about TV’s to even unzip regarding them. I had just gotten an email no more than 5 minutes earlier from my uber-techie-nerd buddy about the TV he bought and I trust his opinion, so I figured I’d add it to the thread. Granted nobody else knows him so I suppose it added no real value…

:cry: My Sony hdtv is 4 years old now and still looks great. Don’t add more wood to the “I want a DLP” fire.

I’m a bit wary of Sony. It always seems like your paying for the name more then anything else. Comparable technology at a much cheaper rate. My personal favorite TV brand is Hitachi. I own a Samsung and a Phillips though so who am I to say!!