Anyone have some medical experience?

Ice for the first 48 hours… 15 on 15 off… reducing the swelling is the best thing you can do before any more damage happens.

if its black and blue, there is a good chance of a break. a sprain will also be black and blue but less severe. but in the mean time reduce the swelling…

I could ask a “friend” of mine… but she gets out of class at 2… she is a semester away from her doctorate in medicine


I did the same thing (to a more extreme extent) at the end of december.
My ankle is STILL twice the size of my other ankle and still rolls over when I step on un-even ground.

I heard if you drink bleach after soaking it in hot water, it makes the swelling go down

lol its funny, because today i drove my camaro to work and i was like hayyeeel no im not clutching with my bigass boots on!.. ill just put them in the car.

sooo i hop in the car, drive to work and forget the boots.
an hour in to work im like goddamn, my ankle fucking hurts.

So I was like, I would ask nyspeed but that would be pretty retarded on what i should do.
so anyway, i lol’d when i came on here and saw this topic.

Except I think I did it when I was rolling some 24" pipe with my foot, and probably stretched it too far, or jammed it up or something, idk ;\

I can still drive walk and move fine… ill give it a few days before a dr :slight_smile:
that way it has time to heal wrong if it’s a break.

99% its a sprain. If it was broken, you would know.

not always. my dad broke his on a pebble in the driveway. continued the rest of the day like nothing was wrong. Woke up the next day and couldnt put any weight on it. Went to the doctors and came home with the broken ankle in a cast.

I can’t even keep my fucking foot in a bucket of ice for longer than 3 mins before it fucking feels like its going to die lol… and youre supposed to do 15 on 15 off? ugh.

FUCK YEA!! put stickers on your car!!

RICE is a fail for me.
Since, I can’t elevate my ankle and ice it at the same time… and i dont have any ghetto elastic compresses.
so meh.

Go buy some epsom salt, pour some in a bucket with some hot ass water and soak your foot in it.

It will make your foot feel much better.

I’ve done this before so I know it works.

I had a car fall on my foot while doing a break job and I went to the Dr. It was not broken just bruised he told me to ice it, elevate it and stay off of it. I did none of that
really, I came back home and that’s what my aunt told me to do. Worked like a charm.

Ace wrap.

Ice on and off.


Doctor in the morning.

Do not sit on your ass and say “it will get better on it’s own”


Omg goto the fucking doctor. Seriously I get surprised no one has asked nyspeed how to wipe there ass.

There have been threads about…

  • the best way to pee with a boner
  • how to go about pooping at work
  • how to shave your balls
  • whether going #3 is vomiting or going both #1 and #2 at the same time
  • Why don’t my farts smell
  • why not wiping makes your ass itch
  • how to flush a public urinal
  • how to sit on a toilet without your legs going numb

Not sure why no one has asked how to wipe their ass

edit… I see a topic tomorrow titled “How do you wipe your ass”

My fucking ankle swelled to the size of a softball (NO SHIT) when I sprained it.
It hurt like a MOTHERFUCKER for almost 2 weeks. MAJOR MAJOR, cant sleep, pain.
They put a splint to keep it stable and then just pain meds and TIME.

Sawzall, all ya need.

lacks medical insurance?
this forum has a lot of members who may be of some assistance
this forum is free, you guys know that right? whereas, doctors visits, ya know what never mind

the bleach is for the AIDS…silly

so of the infinite free websites available on the internet, this is where you’d come? lol, you should have never-minded before you even started typing if you wanted to sound smart
