Anyone having comp issues with the summer heat??

No I don’t give a shit about your central air cond.

I think i screwed up the G card from the last year heat wave…

Now my card is giving me errors about the drivers losing contact with the VPU… Screen will freeze, then go black, flickers on off for a couple times… then pops up with that error… 1/10 times the computer monitor just goes completely blank. But usually it can catch the error before its a complete loss.

Is it time for an A/C unit… or new G card?

Gcard is a Powercolor Radeon Pro 128MB, bought used… Purchased last year around this time… has been getting raped by intense games of world of warcraft ever since.

Been wanting to upgrade some stuff anyways…




Woooorld… of… Warcraft…

Time for a case with better airflow. Much less expensive than central air.

How dusty are the insides of your computer?

just a better flowing case and a fan or two.

Because, it hasnt been very hot lately. In fact, I believe it’s ~70* in sunny amherst.


the only reason you post here is to get info on how to keep your card cool

you are addicted to the crack!

just open up your case. set up a box fan.

/ of your problems.

mine overheated yesterday, turned on the bedroom A/C and fixed the problem

damn patch is taking FOREVER!!!

I’d imagine you can get away with just a new graphic card fan and heatsink setup, $10-20 at compussr or 10-15 on newegg…

i have a total of 4 fans in my tower. no problems.

Take a box fan and put it on the side of your case :stuck_out_tongue:

Re-apply thermal paste btween your heat sink and CPU… I’m having issues too, I’ve done everything else but this and it’s my next step.

Fucking laptop is going in on this shit :frowning:

yea… i have the side of my case off with a window fan blowing on all the inards… i think i should have adaquate cooling.

now that its back in the 70s - low 80s… i have less issues. I just think my comp hates the high 80s low 90s

you need to respec the preist to shadow and melt faces noob!

I think you should keep your balls from hanging so close to the computer

werd :tup: thats what I used to do before I got a place with central AC

you need to stop thinking about my balls.

12 fans = no heat problems:cool: but it also = REALLY LOUD:spam:

Leafblower FTW. :tup:

Just bought a new heat sink that’s rated for a 3.4 processor. Mine is a 2.8. My other heat sink was rated for a 2.8. We shall see!