artifacts need help!

i am getting artifacts like crazy when i play WoW, or CS or any other game basicly, I’ve tired reformating didnt work, and I’ve tried omega drivers…

Should i just buy a new video card or try to fix this… i have a Nvidia 7900 GT/GTO video card?

what do you guys think?:meh2:

download rivatuner and monitor your temps. the card is probably overheating.

try to see if the fan is plugged/blocked with dust

In mostly the correct order

  1. Driver issues
  2. Heat issues (Heatsink loose, fan bad, overclocking)
  3. Hardware issues (Card/power)

Does it appear outside of 3D applications as well?

Ya when i start up, i get a bunch of pixels gone, and theres no heating issues and dust problems, i just blew it out like recetly.

using the latest nvidia drivers? Did it just start messing up out of the blue one day?

I’d try a few different driver versions and see if that helps, I’d also see if the motherboard drivers are all up to date (you never know).

if none of that corrects it, then it’s probably the card.

does it look like this?

ya, or in WoW checkered colors and stretching of textures. it mainly does it WoW a lot more often.

edit: ive also tried differnt drivers. and same ending… but worse.