Anyone here a car dealer?

Was in the process of getting a dealers license in Ohio under another car dealer… looking to try the same thing once I move to Pittsburg… anyone here a car dealer that’s looking to make a little bit of extra cash?

I should have my license in a few weeks. Its been a heck of a process, but in the end I hope to be able to help a lot of people out buying cars.

I do!

You have a salvage license I heard, right? Is that the same thing in PA as a dealers license, or are they different? In Ohio, two dealers are aloud to share one property… I was thinking of trying to find somewhere to do that… but I’m not sure if that’s the case since in PA you’re only required to have a 5 car lot??

Gearhead - Do you have a lot already? It seems like you have to, but I’d be so worried about renting a property, only to find it doesn’t pass their inspection.

im both

I do. I’ve seen some pretty ghetto places get dealers licenses, so it can’t be that tough on the lot size.