Anyone here ever own/or own a pizzeria on here?

Well Derek, I go there all the time so I’ll be your main customer. lol Just remove some of the grease from what they have now and we’ll be all set. Their current subs suck so you gotta do something about that. My girls always liked their wings.

D, my aunt owns grassos, and my mom works there, im sure they could help you out.

Give my father a call.

as far as pricing goes… I’m always willing to spend a few more bucks for better food :tup:. havent worked in that buisness in quite a few years though…

however, if you need any part time help I’m deffinitly looking for something in the north towns with flexible hours. I have many many years cooking experiance (was head morning cook when I was working @ chicks), most of which are pizza joint related.

also a very honest person :tup:


:word: yings is like 7 dollars or something and carl&bos is only 5bucks i believe. both have great pizza. also the subs are 3bucs including tax for a whole.

lol no shit, it costs like 3 bucks to make one.

nice markup!!!

mozz costs more then that. :fyi:

not for the volume pizza places buy it in…

hows carol for a boss?

how do u know my aunt???

she doesnt own it anymore either, my cousin is taking it over.

do u own a pizzeria?

Then your not using good stuff.

Talking over “the brick oven”?

best pizza = cappelli’s in orchard park… expensive though being the south towns… but soooo good.

i worked at the brick oven in boston for a few months. are you taking the one in grand island over?

bah… bozannas > all

two slices and I couldnt even drink beer after

dude that shit is sooo fucking gross. so greasy. ugh.

lol thats what makes it soo good :smiley:

mmmm… my blood is getting thicker just thinking about it

Nope, but I sure enough had my hand in RUNNING one as a manager for the better part of 7 years.

Grossed ~25k week, 14 table dining room, delivery; Staff ~35-40.

Do You?

Actually, I had a short 15 month stint as asst mgr with a family owned chain place as well.
But I didnt own that one either.

Then I started my current line of work.

Mozz skyrocketed last year and has not fully come down. Used to ~2.76/lb for “volume” / ~1800 lbs week.

My Bestfriend owns Leonardis. Few weeks ago 2 ladys from NJ spent a week here in like an aprenticeship (however you speel it) there and they helped them out and sutff. Taught them the ropes. He could prob help you out