Selling cars, like tractors or forklifts or anything else I’ve dealt in is about buying them right. If you spend to much you are screwed from the start. My opinion is that there is more money in more expensive trucks and SUV’s. Rather than buy a $1000 car and fix it up to sell for $2000 you should be buying a truck or SUV or lux car for $20,000 to fix up and sell for say $26000. Problem is you need the cash or credit to do that. At this point I don’t.
Here in Syracuse it’s hard to sell low dollar small cars (saturns, sunfires, corollas, you name it) unless they are real cheap say $1500 or less. Otherwise friggin Billy is financing the Hyundai’s for everybody and anybody. Thus every trailer park wife and high schooler whose parents can’t afford to buy her a new Acura is rocking a Hyundai.
As stated above you need to take your time in selling. Basically you have to wait for a dumbass to come along. Somebody like me who knows their shit won’t give $3200 for a 2003 Sunfire because they know it’s $1200 at the auction.