Anyone here lactose intolerant?

yeah yeah, i can’t hava tha milk.

without pills

but now they have this thing that you can take once a day in the morning and hava tha dairy all day.

I’m skeptical, considering the generic lactaid pills don’t even work for me (lactaid brand is ok though).


I would go crazy if I were Lactose Intolerant. But I do have food allergies.

What’s the name of the pill / drug / thing?

In for info. I miss my milkshakes!!! Lactose kills me.

I’m not but I fuckin hate milk

In I miss milkshakes myself and even the lactaid pills don’t work for me. Ill eat a bowl of cinammon toast crunch and forget it 10 min later im hitting the bathroom.

I’ll drink your milkshake… I’ll drink it up.

I am in for more info.

In for more info.

Digestive Advantage - Lactose Intolerance Therapy

seems less expensive than lactaid

apparently you take 2 pills the first day you try them, 2 the second day, and just 1 a day after that. and it supposedly allows you to eat dairy all day

has anyone tried this?

I am but idgaf and eat whatever anyway.

In for Info

I do the same as dawn and the amount of time I spend sick or not feeling well over food allergies is redic. I need adult supervision. :frowning:

I’m just intolerant.

I just deal with the gas. My friends around me, not so much. It also keeps me regular. lol

I’m not a lactard, but i started drinking almond milk. love almond milk.

product appears to have great reviews on amazon

ha. this is so true…

“yeah ill have a large chocolate milk please…”

Bought last night and started this AM. Will post results

Awesome. Make sure to refrain from dairy for the 3-4 day break in period

OOOps. That’s gonna be tough. I f’ed up already today. Will try again tomorrow to refrain from dairy. Reset the clock. :wink: