Anyone interested in a free TV from Chicago?

Pretty funny!!


lmao, since when do LCD burn images?..

LCD burn in huh? Shenanigans.

Thats what I was thinking. But for 2 weeks, ya never know.

It will have image retention, not burn in. White screen and static should take care of it after about a days worth.

LCD does not burn. There are impurities and small particles in the liquid crystal structure than can migrate up when the LCD has a static image for a long time. This can cause staining and allow the shadowy image of a skinny white guy taking a load from a large black cock show up as shadows. This staining effect does lesson over time and use of the screen. It can take months for the image to go away. Plasmas and CRT projectors/TVs can burn.

I think the posting is fake. I don’t think that guy relay has a girlfriend.

it got to be fake, but it’s still hilarious.

I’ll take it!!!

are you talking about the TV???

Pretty sure she was talking about the giant black cock.
