AV nerds, pros and cons of Plasma vs LCD

Ok, so I always thought Plasma technology was superior to LCD (or always assumed it)… is this true? Why?

A friend of mine told me that his brother knows someone selling a very Large, NIB HD monitor (64"). It’s going VERY cheap and I want to jump on it to use as a TV, but I looked at a similar TV and I noticed what looked like interference in the black areas of the screen.

I was told that plasma can’t display true black because of color burn in or something like that? He’s not a big AV guy so he might be mistaken. What are the benefits and cons to owning a plasma set? I love LCD’s and might just get one of those instead… but this might be a better deal just because of the stupid cheap price.

I’m sure someone here can point me in the right direction. I’d be using this for Cable/Sat TV and xbox

this has been discussed A LOT of times on here. Do a search man.

Ok the whole plasma not displaying true black, FALSE. Blacks are much better on Plasmas then LCD’s normally.

Plasma image quality is substantially better than LCD. It can display fast moving objects in a fluid motion. The frequncy on LCD’s is usually 60Hz (recently getting to 120hz) but plasma is rated at somewhere in the range of 480hz to give you an idea.

However, if you plan on doing ALOT of gaming, than plasma still does run the risk of burn in from gauges and such. Plasmas should never be used as computer monitors either.

sigh, do u even own a plasma?, i game on mine every day and there is no burn in, EVER. never happen, never will now. The only burn in you might see is temp, it goes away after you switch to tv.

And i do agree, the pic quality is better, WAY better black levels, the only disadvantage i can see is the plasma runs alot hotter, using more electricity.

WTF steve, tell the retard who told you that plasmas cant display blacks well he is a moron and shouldent be allowed to speak.

Come see my plasma which is properly calibrated and set up like it should be

any idea about the static look in the black areas? Do you think it was from a shitty connection?

edit: lol, yeah… he’s not a big nerd with this kind of stuff, so might have been talking out of his ass

For higher end plasma’s, the risk is pretty much not there. HOWEVER, low to average plasmas still have that problem. Although I’ve even had some people with really good plasmas complain about the issue.

And yes I’ve owned a plasma before, but I don’t do any gaming whatsoever so it was never a concern for me.

I will no doubt buy Plasma in the future for myself.

Burn in occurs after something has been on the screen for an extended period of time. so if you were to game/watch it won’t happen. but if you are one of those xbox 360 people that always has the dashboard up then it might burn in after awhile

yeah ive never seen any type of burn in on mine, of course i properly calibrated it and ran a burn in dvd for 12 hours also.

Don’t LCD’s last longer?

nope, not any more they dont, they used too, but they are all the same now.

Burn in on plasmas these days is an old wives tale.

My biggest difference I saw was that plasmas have deeper blacks and faster refreshes. I can notice the ghosting on fast movies in LCDs so i have always been a plasma person. You gotta get a bigger than 37" tho if you are getting a plasma.

some of the newer lcds are very nice with no ghosting at all, but you will never get the black level out of a lcd like plasma. Each has its pros and cons, like i said my plasma uses alot of electricity and gets hot.

I just bought an olivia 37 inch lcd.

Couldn’t be happier for it.

599, no tax no shipping.

The LCD uses much less power than a plasma.

The picture is great, a plasma will look better if you have a darkened room, but if you have a regular room that light comes into, then a lcd will be more appropriate.

The black level in the lcd is not as good as the plasma. But what can be expected for a 599 television?

Its absolutely fine, and hooked up to time warner’s crappy compressed HD service, it looks amazing.

Over the air HD probably looks even better.

Don’t waste your time with NYSpeed…

oled… i wish!

stupid backlighting garbage will never had blacks

i can haz oled toos?

thanks peeps :tup:

I personally have never liked the LCD image quality, and can’t say that I care for the power consumption or in room heat furnace of the Plasma.

That said, I’d probably buy a plasma before a LCD, but will stick with my DLP for the near future :smiley: