Anyone interview at Moog? GOT THE JOB! Post 59

My dad used to work there for a couple years as a machinist… until he got laid off.

Then went back there a few years later, only to get laid off again.

Can’t say enough good things about the place.


It went pretty good. Like I said before, I never really get nervous for interviews. But you could tell that everyone else was pretty nervous lol. If it wasn’t for me, the conference room that the candidates had to wait in, in between interviews, would have been SILENT. lol

It was basically 5 interviews, the way that the interviewer felt they should do it. So I wound up talking about the same thing over and over, which isn’t bad. The guy from the systems group was certainly the most difficult. I had to draw the response of an RC circuit (easy), find a certain pressure for a piston system (easy), determine the output of an And/Or gate system (easy), and also determine the transfer function of a feedback loop. That’s the only thing that got me, since I’ve never been through that stuff before.

Hopefully I’ll hear back by next week. Thanks for all the advice guys. :tup:

what type of engineer are you?

Good luck with it! We’ll practically be neighbors out here if you get the job:)


You’re still at FP, right?

Should have asked him for a copy of :

I would have kicked that guy in the nuts. I’m all for aptitude tests/challenging questions to see how you will do in an interview, but he sounds like a dick. That shit isn’t what is important in an interview… not a very good way to get an idea of your thought process etc. anyway, at least IMO.

He was a systems guy. So they have to know how every aspect relates to the other which is understandable. Anyone that goes into systems at that place is going to need to be real strong with theory based analysis.

Meh, testing people on knowledge that they will just look up if they end up needing it once they are on the job seems pointless to me.

I want to know how you think, your thought process for solving problems and how you interact with others.

Quizzing you on your Intro to EE class basics doesn’t really get me there.

That’s just me though.

I agree. The stuff he tested me on was very easy and not a great indicator of work ethic at all. Just seeing if I remembered it off the top of my head. I did walk him through my thought process while doing the problems, though.

My mom works there as well… she loves it!! Good luck!! She says they are wonderful to work for!

Good luck! Great place to work for. I’ve been there a little over a year and love it.

I wish I was smart haha

If they ask you technical questions, it should be for 1 of 2 reasons. 1, to make sure that your resume is not a complete fabrication, or that you didn’t just pay people to take tests for you. 2, to see how you react. Do you just freeze up all nervously and say “Idunno”. Or do you man up and use the skills the you’ve been taught to reason your way through a problem.

BUMP. Made it through to the next round. PHEW!

This shit is intense. lol I wonder what else they are going to want from the possible candidates.

Round 4 up next!

I asked my dad about this, and he said they typically hire interns… so…once you are in, you got a good shot at staying if you want.

Yeah my main interviewer mentioned it in detail. That’s why they are so thorough with the intern hiring process. It’s a long term commitment in their eyes. Just have to not be an idiot for 6 months. lol

I just found out we have an intern starting here through corporate HR (where you’re interviewing now) in like 2 weeks… should be interesting… I remember my intern/co-op days… wow that was a while ago…

YES!!! That’s a whole lot of weight off of my shoulders. The lady from HR called me today and told me that every single one of my interviewers said I was the best person they interviewed that day.

And what’s even better is that originally, because of my GPA, they were considering me for more of an MET type of position, but after the interviews they all decided fuck that and want me in product development. I’m so fucking stoked right now. I should be starting in the fall and working right through the following summer then probably going full time.

Thanks for all the good advice. It actually did come in handy. :tup:

:tup: congrats