I’m looking at that career path and I just wanted some insight if anyone has any.
Please refrain from “fuck the police”, “cops suck” or any other lame post.
I’m looking at that career path and I just wanted some insight if anyone has any.
Please refrain from “fuck the police”, “cops suck” or any other lame post.
Contact Nitescream thats what he will be doing.
I’d say contact my parents but that would be weird.
They talked me out of it, basically some of he reasons were, its not as fun as it used to be, and everything involves paperwork and shift work sucks balls.
Not trying to discourage you because that didnt really discourage me either. Just my thoughts.
good luck getting a job unless your a visable minority or daddies a police cheif, if your not and take the poliece course look forward to being a sercurity guard for a few years.
EDIT : that was a friends belief . i side with him too lol
the truth right there! i was just gunna say that. but saw that you did.
Is the RCMP better or worst for that then local PDs? I was looking at the RCMP.
rcmp is better more military and better oportunities