getting a new job

So I just got the call today and at the end of the month I’ll start training in Albany to be a State Correctional Officer. It’s not what I really want to do with my life. But I guess it will hold me over until my name gets called on the waiting list for the state police.

:tup: LetItRip is a correction officer and he loves it. why dont you let me rent your bike from you while your away

State Jobs >> *
My buddy is a corrections officer, he’s working in greenhaven (Where they stick you at first)
He said that the acadmey was fookin joke, you gotta be really dumb and outa shape to pass.

I was going to sign up for the entrance exam to do that
But after I found out the deadline had passed :confused:

Haha I would but it’s going under the knife real bad.

i just got the call for the troopers…

but i dont think ill take it.

everyone I’ve known in corrections has loved it :tup: never gets old atleast (minus dealing with scumbag child molesters like my brothers have to do)

that’s awsome! congrats.

its the opposite. they train your BALLS off. If you think you are in shape when you go there, you are in for a suprise, trust me.

2 friends of mine are corrections officers at Wendy. I know the one is making like 80k a year base.

congrats…it’s a good job to start off with.

Yeah, right.