Anyone know a good place to camp??

I’m wondering if anyone knows a good place to camp. A family type environment where you’re not next to 30 screaming drunk 18 year olds would be great. Anyone know a place?

fair haven beach state park

Letchworth is pretty nice. Usually I say Alleghany, but they book up fast in the summer.

Lake Erie State Park, I go there with friends every year. It’s always a blast and there was never any other people in our age range there (21-25) in fact the camp was usually pretty empty. Nice and quiet. Just the way camping was errr uhhh meant to be?

Camping? Like being outside on the ground? Ewwwww bugs

Darien lake state park.

they have an ice cream shop, little beach, and its a nice place for the family. go there alot with the g/f and baby.

ive camped at skyline all my life, nice place . its close to darien about 10 minutes farther down the road

LEI TI campground in batavia is pretty fun, pretty family oriented.

A nice place to walk around and relax.

letchworth or anywhere in allegany or darien lake state park

The only erie county park that has camping.
It is called spraigue brook or something like that dont count on that spelling but it is a very peacefull place with lots of bike trails and tonnes of land.
I am sure you could find it by doing a google search.

x2 for lechworth. I went there a few times when I went to school at Alfred University. Very big park so its ideal for what you are looking for.

Allegheney is alright, but camp sites are pretty close to each other.

Chestnut Ridge is for boozin.

allegheny is good, very very hot in the summer, i went during the summer twice, and i didnt like it as much when i go in october, but usually if u want a good trial with good cabins, u have to book in way advanced. but it never hurts to check tho. id the park, but they also charge you for calling them.

We used to have a cabin in Franklinville and I loved it.

Check out sites down there to see if you can rent anything down there.

I used to go to Red Bridge outside of Kane, PA. (Allegheny) It’s real quiet, on the water, and you can tent camp or bring a camper. It’s about 1.5 hours from Hamburg. There are a lot of places near there. Or if you want to travel, Rollins Pond in Saranac Lake is awesome. Beautiful sites, and you can’t run out of things to do. To get there you drive through Fish Creek which is more open/less private. I spent 10-14 days there every year, tent camping when I was younger. Just avoid it on Canadian holiday weekends.

adirondack mountains

thanks guys

^^^Helps you find parks and make reservations.