Anyone know how to fix a Mac?


It’s not that they’re difficult, I’d just like to meet the genius who did the design.

“Hmmm, hard drive? Never need to change that! Let’s make it so you have to disassemble the entire laptop piece by piece to replace it! Won’t that be fun!”


it’s more money in their pocket, so of course they’d design it that way :smiley:

they advertise their computers as being “easy to use” for those that don’t like messing around with confusing drivers, system configurations and all that jazz. A person who purchased it for that reason is never going to attempt trying it themselves

it’s like taking the engine out of a camero vs a Z. tools are tools, parts are parts, the process / time involved are slightly different.


it’s like taking the engine out of a camero vs a Z. tools are tools, parts are parts, the process / time involved are slightly different.


No its not…

You use a fucking torx and a screwdriver yay…Those are not proper tools they are standard shit to work on computers…

You’re comparing changing a tire…to removing a motor…

Theyre not that hard to open, but yes, it takes some time and general knowledge. The iBook G4’s need to be nearly completely disassembled to get to the drive. If its a powerbook g4, then its easy as hell. Id say 15 mins max…

I’d consider overlocking it while your at it… :wink:


you guys are sissy’s :stuck_out_tongue:

I can take apart my macbook and put it back together blindfolded.


mee 3… Wanna have a laptop opening off?

There needs to be no visible damage to any screws, and we take the average of 3 runs…

Jesus all I asked if some one knew how to fix one.

By the way does anyone know where they sell mac internals around here?

Apple doesn’t and MacSolutions Plus is out of stock.

you’re prolly best with ebay


Jesus all I asked if some one knew how to fix one.

By the way does anyone know where they sell mac internals around here?

Apple doesn’t and MacSolutions Plus is out of stock.


So, your just looking for a hard drive for a G4 laptop?

You can get any 2.5" IDE standard hard drive. If your looking for a local store, best buy i know has them.


So, your just looking for a hard drive for a G4 laptop?

You can get any 2.5" IDE standard hard drive. If your looking for a local store, best buy i know has them.


I’m looking for just a stock replacment, it seems all they have is aftermarket drives that are more than I need and more than I want to spend.