anyone know the laws and regulations for un employment?

Good to know, but by looking at my taxes, all they are going to see is me and what ive made? I am a one man operation and tbh I dont even have books for them to look at lol… my books consist of me “writing what i bought, for how much and how much profit is there” and then on saturday when I melt my gold/silver I throw the 2 pages of the weeks buys away and start over…

I completely understand them trying to nail her even though I never paid her, but I just cant get what they want with me… My PERSONAL taxes are just that… And “books” wouldnt display anything exept for product bought, nothing to do with who bought what and who worked where.

im pretty sure they said they video taped her car being there and sent people in and saw her talk to them lol… im like wtfff? We leave the car at my store over night 4 times a week and take 1 car home! does that mean shes working 24 hours? And sbardys car is here all the time too, does that mean he fucking works here? lol… and if im taking a shit and dont feel like getting robbed ill tell her to tell a customer ill be right there… they considered that working lol