anyone know the laws and regulations for un employment?

they are def trying to say she works there for you. and the fact that you don’t keep good records is going to work heavily in their favor…does she live with you cause that would make it easier for them to say she works for you without record of getting paid.

my advice, lawyer up, don’t answer a damn question/give them a thing without your lawyer present. i’d treat it just like you would a criminal investigation because thats what it could turn into.

A lot of times unemployment investigations are conducted by their former employers.

The way i do my taxes are accurate I just dont keep my “books”… I have a set amount of money i run my store with, during the week i make gold purchases and write them down. At the end of the week i melt my gold and get paid… I count the remaining amount of money in my drawr, plus what I just got for my gold, the exess of what i run my store with is profit… i then throw away “this weeks books” and start a new week.

yes, she does live with me, and the crazy part is she just finished her real estate course and would have been off un employment within a couple weeks anyway… how would it be worse that she lives with me? It’d be worse if she didnt imo bc they would want to know how she paid her bills and living expenses

called my lawyer, he doesnt seem to think its a big deal, he said as long as i filed taxes and havent written any checks out to her I should be good… Afterall, there after her, not me.

Inb4 Daves on the news again

if your lawyer says your good hopefully you are. the way i look at it with the living situation is hey you don’t have to pay her because she lives with you so thats her payment…but i don’t know how intelligent the people are that run the investigation and how much they actually care.

i wouldnt call that payment by aany means, payment equals cash/salary… she got neither… i was more worried about me and them wanting records/info, but he kinda made me feel better lol…

I make my rounds. Gotta support friends businesses lol.

Keep talking shit and I’m reporting your ass to the IRS. What’s the number of cars you can sell in a year?

payment can mean a lot more then cash/salary. just remember its the government trying to get money out of her, i wouldn’t be surprised if the gov’t claimed that as payment.

but if you really never had her work for you, then you should not be worrying about anything as they are the ones that have to prove it.

without being a registered dealer I think 5

or dont sign the title in your name and sell as many as you want. I dont know why the fuck anybody buying a car to resell would transfer the title over.

Tried to plus rep, couldn’t. :lol

Lol, I don’t know if there is a limit but I know you can’t have more than 3 for sale within a month from when I looking into a dealers license. I’ve only listed/sold my suby so far this year

Back on topic, good luck Dave. I think you’ll be fine, it’s her that they are trying to fuck

Deff looks like a baller, that cts-v is sweet. Didn’t know he was in real estate

last i heard sbardy was selling his body for money…