Anyone know why these cars on kijij havent sold?

These 2 cars have been posted for a while on kijij and havent sold. I’m assuming it because there not rust free even though they both claim they are. Just wondering if anyone has gone too look at them. I’m to far away to drive and be greeted by a rotten frame. Links below

Uh, maybe because one has 425,000km and the other has the worst pictures and interior. and they’re both auto. anyone looking for auto is looking to swap.

I like that black one. looks clean.

LOL ronnie… I know the red one is hideous inside… and the black one has 425 tho kms… but i mean wouldnt those be alright prices for someone looking for a clean car to swap?

Looks like the black one has a rear quarter dent.

BUT other than that…If they’re not rotted to shit underneath, they’d be great platforms to build/swap.

Because the owners won’t take “Buddy, I’ll give you $374, CASH” as an offer.

Brendan you have it all wrong. It’s “Bro, I’ll give you $300 cash delivered.”

If they honeslty have NO rust like they claim… I would pay 1500 for either one.

have you try to email either?

yes, I emailed both of them like a month ago when they were posted for the first time. I was just wondering if anyone on here had taken a look. I’ve driven to the city before to see a claimed "clean car’ just to waste 20 bucks in gas and 3 hours of my time. Just trying to prevent it this time.

funny, I remember emailing about the red coupe and still did not get a reply back. haha my bad.

I emailed that guy with the black one back in august, it was on the trader at the time too. It took him about a week to reply, I wouldn’t bother to be honest its probably fucked. One owner high km cars are usually full of issues because they’ve never been through safteys or reconditioning.

Theres a PHONE number in both the ads, maybe that is their preferred method of communication… not everyone in this day and age check emails believe it or not.

Try giving them a call, the number is there for a reason.

lol… I’ve contacted both of them. That’s not the issue

I’ve been able to contact them as well. Just wondering if there rotten or not

you’re just going to have to go check them out yourself. clearly nobody on here has gone to look at them yet. if you really want to buy one that bad, then $20 in gas and a few hours of your day shouldn’t be such a sacrifice.

red coupe says saftey and etested, who knows maybe its a steal ?

i checked out that black one has no pass frame rail like a 1 foot section maybe more

i’ve emailed the black hatch he replied the next day.
