Anyone know?

Of any places that you can rent out a paint booth or a place to paint a car locally? Need to paint the 240

:lol I built one, but it’s not ventilated enough, still needs work ha

want to let me use it ??

We only have limited room to set it up and it might be too cold. I’m going to set it up in the spring time though.

Sir answer your text message. k thanks

If you mean me, I don’t have service right now.

I remember reading in Hot Rod and/or Car Craft how to make a garage into one a few years back.

Ive never seen a paint booth for rent around here.

Hard to see in this pic, but I made like 10 4x8 framed panels and covered the ceiling and floor in plastic. Have fans on either ends. Cost like $200-300 to make.

are your fans explosion proof?

Needs better lighting

No, good point. That would suck.

Yes it does, I’ll be putting the booth up in the spring to paint my car so I’ll make some changes.

Hmm If I get my paint colormatched, I’d like to respray the front bumper

care to lend your facilities?

I built a small booth for parts and epoxy work in my basement. Sealed it off and ducted out an exhaust system. I took an attic fan, extended the shaft (no homo) and atted a pully to the end. then ran the electric motor outside the wall and cut a small slot in the wall to feed the belt through. very little fumes actually go out of the room through that little belt slot. Workes like a champ and it really sucks, fumes.

explosion proof fans are $$$. but then again, if you read up on it, I have yet to see someone actually blow up without them. But this was in my house, so I didnt want to take a chance.

I LOL’d :rofl

I do need to upgrade to a bigger fan, as they can’t keep up and quickly fogs the room up. I’ll figure something out in the spring.

its good i wouldnt get better fans, just more lights

Fuck it, going to HEPA filter it and create a positive pressure, climate controlled booth.


your paint job will always be “sub-par” without heat lamps to cure the paint properly. don’t get me wrong, decent results have been achieved, but not having the proper curing properties really throws a wrench in your work. the paint will react much differently in this weather. you can shoot primer outside now, no problem, but i wouldn’t go for paint until spring, as my 3 series will.

the cheapest and easiest way to set one up is to use plastic sheeting everywhere possible. prep/ tape/ wash the car outside your booth, keeping all the dirt/ dust, etc out of there all together is the challenge. after the final wetsand/ wash, spray the floor down with water to keep dust settled and at a minimum. box fans are cheap, and have been used successfully. if it was me, i’d either find a place to prep the car, and hold off on paint until spring, or just hold off all together until spring.

Hope you wear a respirator when you paint…for the few bucks they can save your health and even your life.

^ You’d be dumb not to, make sure you get a good one though!