anyone listen to that crap about no death penalty

yup, the flaw isn’t death itself

actually, they were used all the time in the old west, circa 1890s. and the people were sentenced and hanged within a month i believe.

my point exactly! People are so quick to say, “oh, the death penalty will stop murders.” My point was that the death penalty does not deter murders, that murders don’t stop and say, “I was going to kill this person, but because my state has the death sentence and not life in prison, i’m not going to kill them”

wtf please step back to reality

the death sentence isn’t a crime deterrent :ugh: , it’s a sentencing for unjustly taking someone’s life.

yah, now that I think about it, I think they still did some hangings in the west in the 1900s. They actually have had 2 firing squad executions out there in the past 30 years.

if u choose to kill, then whats wrong with the populous choosing to kill you. its the right thing to do. its fair, its just.

:ugh: reading comprehension… I was always saying that it doesn’t deter crime. I was responding to this post:

yeah but it seems like encarceration alone doens’t deter crime. you need something more than just being locked up and spending a life of free meals, weight lifting and tv watching.

please :ugh: yourself.

you’re entire point was that it does not deter crime, which is totally irrelevant to begin with.

fuck people that kill people… they should die as well for taking a life. that’s why it’s in place.

Yeah these same studies are being done under present conditions where it takes 15+ years to finally get the sentance completed.

Now if you go back to the “walking right out to the gallows” method and start exicuteing convicted criminals of homicide within a year see how fast that becomes a deturrent. I agree with DS, technology has come to far along to be pissing around with 10-15 years of appeals.

The problem right now is in todays society it takes too damn long. So if a perosn comits a crime he figures the odds are in his favor of him not dying tomarrow weather or not he is given the death penalty. Only time its “pushed up” in time is when its a big deal like the Timothy Mcvay (sp?) crap because it was so nantionally known. Even that took how many years to take place.

my point on it not detering crime was not my reasoning for eliminating the death penalty, but rather just a response to Cutty saying that it does deter crime. I was mearly countering one point made.

My reasoning for wanting to eliminate the death penalty does not hinge on if it deters crime.

well spit it out.

I just don’t like the idea of killing people. :dunno:

Plus, I think that sitting around wasting away in prison for 60+ years would be more tormenting than getting a nice little injection that puts you to sleep forever.

i dont like the idea of killing people either, but other people do. We call them murderers. If you kill an innocent someone for no reason, then you need to pay for their life with your own. There are a lot worse things that the state could do to you. Death really isnt such a bad thing.

I figure this is semi relevant to the present discussion, seems like an OK guy to me, minus the fact he killed his x gf and her boyfriend.

i look at crimes of passion in a totally different light than other crimes.

maybe he killed them for a good reason? :dunno:

interesting article… its amazing that people take their job for granted like that. any they probably complain how hard their job is too.

being that his girlfriend was female, theres a 95.78% chance that she was a cheating whorebag.

sorta not really… if you still kill somone, then that’s that… i mean if you get emo enough that you commit murder, then you have no self-control and should be held liable… i don’t care how hard you get fucked over… still not an excuse.

haha. i just laughed out loud, and one of the legs on the fifty year old chair i’m sitting on fell off.

(the antique furniture that was in my house when i bought it sucks.)