what a shame

http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/05111/491879.stm what a pussy. thats why things never change in the hood. thats not snitchin eithet, thats called ur friend got smoked and you almost did to so do the right thing and put the motherfucker in jail.

His boys prob. sent out the message that he’ll get smoked for snitching, and now he’s “dreaming” he saw it happen.

he’ll probably get it anyway. put yourself in their mentality for a sec. If i smoked ur boy and tried to kill you, regardless of what happends in court i would think you were gonna try to get me for revenge and i’d have to get you even if you didn’t testify. Dude just needs to testify and get the fuck outta dodge.

let them kill eachother, who gives a fuck


you testify get put in protective custody or get a gun. that is it plain and simple. this is not compton it is knoxville.

then my car would be safe for another night



sure let them kill eachother but what happends when they don’t kill eachother and kill suzy whitegirl by accident?


keep suzy white girl away from the ghetto and in the nunery, the preists already got timmy white boy on lock down in the church :op: …there ya go
