anyone listen to that crap about no death penalty

^ it only took me how many pages to get that thought out!?! sheesh and I call myself a trainer! bah

sometimes less is more

I dont even think their should be a death row, it should be more like a death seat, once sentanced to death you should be allowed to sit, eat something, then immediatly after shot in the face. It would save the tax payers millions!!!

i think the death penalty should be the same manner in whiich you killed that person. tookie should have got shot in the back of the head and laughed at…

I wonder if anyone has ever been really fucked to death cause that would be an interesting punishment.

seriously thou in america it sometimes seems criminals and animals have more rights than victims or just regular people. the ACLU is a abusive at times as well as the NAACP. While i do see the need for the ACLU in how it pertains to handicapd people and cases like that I don’t see why its always used in racial issues as well as the NAACP… their isn’t an organization for the advancement of white people i think right there the NAACP’s base is on racisit issues. The civil rights movement happend, its time to advance on your own, i think in 2005 there is no need for the NAACP other than to intimidate and harrass. The balls need cut of that monster, its time has passed.

actually the death penalty has been around for thousands of years before the Romans. However, this hardly makes it a worthwhile reason to continue the death penalty. One of the main reasons for the death penalty was so that those convicted would have no way of escaping. However, in our modern times the risk of a convict presenting harm to the civilian population is unlikely.

The decision process is not free of charge. Appeals oftentimes last 10-15 years. The costs are very high for all of this. Therefore, it is well known and accepted that the death penalty does not save costs, but is more expensive than life in prison

yeah but it seems like encarceration alone doens’t deter crime. you need something more than just being locked up and spending a life of free meals, weight lifting and tv watching.

yes I realize it was around before then, but I used a civilization that was comparably modern to ours for the time period.

what ever happened to being sentanced and being walked to the gallows?

with advances in technology that can completly remove doubt as to a person’s guilt, I see no reason that the death penalty process cant be expedited. I think if you’re sentenced to death, the execution should be carried out within 2 years.

Those who commit crimes on the scale of murder do not typically worry whether they are going to get life in prison or the death penalty. Therefore, the death penalty does not act as a deterrant for violent crimes. This has been supported by several studies that have tracked homicide rates between states with the death penalty and those without. Other studies that have compared the homicide rates of states before and after the death penalty was implemented show the same results.

i never said it was

truf /thread

I believe they haven’t used them since hanging those convicted of witchcraft. Since witchcraft is obviously a good reason to kill someone. :mamoru:

well you mentioned how much it costs to house a prisoner and others said that people should be executed and the money go to something more worthwhile. The point I was making is that the death penalty is actually more expensive than life in prison.

average time on death row is 10-11 years. life is minimum what, 40? you assume that the life prisoners don’t appeal?

edit:quick google searches found that only in CA is it definitely more expensive due to their court system. other states the math leans the other way, making it cheaper. :dunno:

if you are guilty because of overwhelming evidence you should not get an appeal you should get killed the next day. appeals are a lot of BS and they twist every little thing like collection of evidence. it seems like some laws are set up to help the criminals rather than the victims. what johhny cochran did to mark furman was a fuckin joke and that shit should not be allowed. but alas, it will never get fixed the way it should be

murder is so walk em on out.

again before you start talking about it not detering there are thousands of other reason why it would or would not. do you think poor hillbilly states it would deter someone from shooting someone? No cause their lives suck as it is

The death penalty is the dumbest thing since fundamentalist Christianity.

its flawd, if it was streamlined then it’d have a shot at working correctly

correct. its such an inefficnent, flawed system. Except of course for Texas. I personally think that there should be a new standard for proof for death penalty cases. The current standard is guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Jack that up to Guilt beyond ANY doubt. Only if convicted at this higher level of judgement could a capital case get a death sentence. This would have to include DNA, eyewitnesses, a confession perhaps, video surveilance… But once you get your death sentence, outside of an automatic review of the case by a special council, you dont get to appeal. You’re fucked. Do not pass go. Go directly to the fryer.