Anyone looking for part-time work with high earning potential?

Well I guess the KK blinders were on to tight to notice all the good things happening around me.

Look, I hope to hell you make out well, doing whatever you do. I dont care if your selling spaceage wagon wheels to farmers or working a paper route till your 100. The fact of the matter is you are young, and your going to fuck stuff up… nobody can fault you for that, its part of the process. BUT us old bastards, once in your shoes, only come off as mentally unstable “know it all’s” becasue we honestly dont like people making stupid mistakes and bring them or others down around them. Atleast thats my motive. If you look at this, the TWC, and all the other rants I go on, you will see what I am saying, and maybe understand the greater point in it all. I am not claiming to be perfect, or even remotely close… but as krazy as it might be I know for a fact alot more than you think about this stuff.

that and the “hope your cob job shop sucks…” shit is just clinging to threads in your argument and attempting to put someone down. psychology 101 Its making you look like a disrespectful dick. Someone touting yourself as a potential business partner in need of your assistance to become successful, might not want to keep doing that!
I rest my case here. I said enough. Be sure to man up and post back here the day you quite this Vema/Verve stuff and let us honestly know how it went… for better or worse.

until then KK out :skid