Anyone looking for part-time work with high earning potential?

What do you want to know? I’ve got no problem explaining anything about mine, just that nobody has asked me for info. :slight_smile:

I’ll say if anyone is interested, start here and feel free to ask me any and everything:

just keep it simple to start.

I do XXXX, this happens and as a result I get XXXX$/% whatever it maybe.

something like that maybe?

I share personal stories of lost weight and improved health from myself and my family, share the costs/savings/benefits of the product, and provide samples of the product to people. There are 2 ways to sign up for my product, as a customer or as a promoter. If the person is interested, I help them decide which route is best for them and sign them up.

With Visalus, you need enough customers whose product total (together) equals 3x what your personal kit is to receive your product for free (ex- 3 people with the same “kit” or 6 people with a kit that is 1/2 as much, etc…). You also receive a commission off of the product that they order. Any promoters under you also provide you with income which is a commission based on their volume/customers. I do not know the exact percentage of these commissions, but it is somewhere in the 10-15% range I believe on average.

There are different levels of compensation set up commensurate to the size of your business ranging from active associate to ambassador. Upon reaching Regional Director, you qualify for a BMW where Visalus will pay $600/month towards your payment or if you decide to not get the car, you receive an extra $300/month in commission payments. At Regional Director, your total monthly cash commissions is around the $2k/month mark.

OK now that makes sense. 7 pages later and we have good information here.

That also proves my point, sitting back and just lettin it rain isnt going to happen. Its just like any other business. If you have people working under you (promoters as you called it) you have to keep in line/check. If they dont get customers, you dont get their commission points, and worse off, if those promoters up and leave, you lost alot more. Same with your customer base, you need to keep up on it. If you brought in 100 people under you, you have to factor in a loss of say %80 of those people’s activity in say 6 months or something due to inactivity pushing your product. I can totally see how this can work, but it has to be maintained to ensure continual success.

Its an uphill battle still, starting at the bottom mathematically sucks. If you can make it past that and work your way up to an RD it seems ok. But no offense to you or your mom, but $36K/yr is a good supplemental income sure, but its not exactly life changing money like it was touted by others earlier in this thread. $7200 a yr for a car payment is nice. And its a very good marketing technique on their part too. Who would you as a potential customer take more serious, someone rolling up in a 1998 corola or a 2013 BMW? Exactlllllly! Now on a serious note with that, whose on the lien? If they bail, naturally the company isnt going to keep paying you each mo for that car. If they are on the lien I assume they would just take it back.

%15 is something like 250K a year in sales. or $4800 a week in sales to base commission on.

Whats the cost on the tangible commodity you guys are selling?

Yota, do you have any pictures of your Mom’s BMW with the Vema logo branding on it? I noticed they require any car they pay for to have the branding package they supply installed on the car, makes me curious as to how ugly it is hahah.

His mom works with a different company…

but here is a VEMMA bmw…

BFD. Someone could post a Lambo with Microsoft on the side and it wouldnt tell us a lick of information either.


You are insane, let me upload a pic of my buddy, gimme a second clownshoe.

fuck, i dont know how from my phone…lol

and you are retarded. :rofl

let me upload a pic of my bosses pool boys sisters car who is the VP for the company that manages Justin Biebers contract with SONY.

Yota gave actual information relevant to this thread, and how one might get a perk car from this business. All you tried to link some google image result in attempt to prove a unicorn 3rd world energy drink perk car exists! looool

Yes, there is maintenance just like any other customer base. The lien is in her name and if she were to stop with Visalus, the bill is still hers to pay. That being said, they can afford the payment without Visalus so it’s a non-issue really.

Maybe the % is off, idk. I just know what I bring in and have seen mom’s checks before she switched to direct deposit. My overall volume is pretty small and I still get ~$200/mo like I stated. The kit price varies, but starts at $49/mo and goes up to (I think) $249/mo. It is a meal replacement at it’s core and if used as such does actually save you money. Anything over a $99/mo kit gets you into more of the health supplement line where you start adding vitamins, metabolism boosters, energy supplements, etc.

No, as the product that I sell is Visalus and they do not require any branding on the vehicle. It’s yours just like anyone else who goes and buys a new car, they just kick in $600/mo on the payment. There are pics on here of my mother’s 535i already.

Here is my business associate Mr. Pee Dittee. He weprezents CRC, and is a tear 5 super regional ambassadoor.

Yota. I +rep you my man. I give you alot of respect for posting what you are. Thank you for taking the time to do so. :number1:number1:number1

No problem, I’m home on leave and trying to get all the internets I can before they stick me on a ship to cut holes in the water for most of next year :rofl

That, and like I said, if people want info about my stuff, that’s what I’m supposed to do. How many wheels would people bring you for powder coating if all you did is say “visit my website and buy things so I can make money!!!” Providing product/business information is the only way to grow a business like this, not sure why these other guys never shared theirs…


^lol, Dude, get a life. You only exist to argue about things you know nothing about.
I am honestly inviting you to meet up with me so you can educate yourself on this “pyramid scheme”. You can hate it and not agree with it, thats cool with me, no hard feelings.
A closed mind is your worst enemy.

Sully, why not post the details of your business here for a larger market, similar to what I did? Just curious as your approach doesn’t seem to be generating much interest.

It’s literally the same approach and almost identical structure. We work as a team, it’s pretty cool. Plus, I’ve met a ton of new friends in the process.

I made 100 grand slinging rocks to the natives in Schenectady last month