Anyone looking for part-time work with high earning potential?

Glad I could make you chuckle.

How do i know nothing about it? Everything I said from day one, I am still saying now. Yota, have my close minded concepts about all this been correct or incorrect through this entire thread?

Sully, its a business. Something is sold by someone and people profit from that transaction. Its really no different than what my friend makes a living at with Chemsearch. He sells products, make commission for himself and his supervisor or whatever you call him. I fully understand the concept man, I really do. The entire argument between us has been over your approach at recruitment and getting peoples interest in your company. Thats it. I never denied that the business model works. Infact if you read the part I said to grimmic about “sitting back and making it rain” when he said he wants to let it ride out it course and make him money for doing little to nothing… I actually said I am sure it would make money for him, but its doesnt come without a price.

Sorry homie, but I have 120 hours a week I put into a salary paying career I have earned from steady employment and hard work for over 8 years and also my own business now on the side. If I had any time to shoot the shit man-o to man-o I honestly wouldnt mind it, hell Ill buy the beer. But I dont, thats little time is dedicated to my wife. :dunno

You work 120 hours a week at your day job, partially own CRC and work there too, and still have time to post this much? There are only 168 hours in a week.

KK sells hours. The more hours he sells the more he extends the week. So in reality your week could have 9 days and we’ve seen others gain as much as 12 days per week. Lets face it, there’s just not enough hours in a day with our busy lives. We all want more time. It’s scientifically proven that more hours will equate to a longer, healthier life with more sex drive AND its all natrual. It’s already Friday for me!

So how do you gain more hours? It’s simple. PM Krazy Kid and he will send you contact info on how to get started. A small deposit is required.

it was poorly written now that I re-read it. Nahh dayjob 40hrs, rest is CRC.

Why do people thing posting on shift is so hard and time consuming? 8:30 - 5:00, shift is on monitor 1, infront of other work related windows, and monitor 2 is work stuf at the day job. I can post an essay and bring up a domain controller side by side. If I post after 5:30 or on a weekend, its once in a blue moon, and usually becasue I had to check a PM from a customer or look something up. And I type very fast, I might have 20 seconds into this reply. :number1

SSHHHHHHH, you gave them too much info.

I just had some random guy come up to me in the mall and harass me about this bullshit

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Guys this is legit as fuck I made a killing so far, too bad you didn’t buy in. Said nobody ever ITT.

Guys I got my new BMW RC car from KB toys!