Anyone looking for part-time work with high earning potential?

Dude, i’d highly suggest not doing that :rofl

does anybody know of any oppertunities that i can take advantage of? the kind where the harder you work, the more money you make?

besides prostitution and stripping… and id also want alot of expert sales gurus above me in the chain of command. id love to start at the very bottom if i could…


Is anyone interested in an in-home demonstration of fine Cutco cutlery?

lol, cut some veggies, cut some leather, cut some rope…then dazzle them with scissors that cut a penny in half!!!

double D edge on all my blades son

Cutco knives are no joke… I might actually buy a set off sully, not kidding.

Family bought a set of Cutco knives years ago along with a pair of the scissors…Still have them to this day and they’re legit. Just as good as the day we got them.

Another one of these schemes that is local is Meat House Steak or something, guy was alllll over my neighborhood for a few days trying to sell his shit. His initial line to get a conversation started was fucking hilarious[gay as fuck]… “Hi, I have a delivery for Mr._______” Then when you’re like wtf? The dude leads into his sales pitch.

Nobody has the money to buy things like energy drinks and other unnecessary shit from salesmen. Even promotions at work are meaningless because the cost of living keeps going up.

What are the long term benefits of doing this? How would you list something like this on a resume? To most employers, it would seem unappealing at best.

To each their own.

lol, its a penguin

The Egyptians built pyramids, he could be onto something here.

I hope Sully makes $150,000 net of tax by this time next year. That’d be fucking great :rofl

SlapBet? :lol

they had help tho, bro…

more money can be made slinging rocks on the streets of Schenectady

you mean like Fred Flinstsone and Barny Rubble?

wrong kind of rocks

Are you guys millionaires yet?

hahahaha I almost forgot about this… Thank you

I doubt it, they are probably waiting for their $3.99 class action settlement check to come in from TWC so he can invest it into his company.

name? i work there… but i skiped the scam first lmfao