Anyone looking for part-time work with high earning potential?


Pm’d KrazyKunt.

How has he not been posted yet?

Just saw this thread and it was perfect timing… Our friends came over within the past week pushing Amway HARD. Showed me the video/ power point and all the brochures for the products. Of course, Wayne immediately went out to the shop, but I was willing to give them an hour of my life. AT FIRST, seemed pretty appealing. Claimed that 25% of the people who actually put in time would make bank (greater than $50K a year).

This is ALL based on the people “under” you having approx. 150 “points” each month on average. Each product had a separate “points” amount. For example you could pay $20/ product, but you only received $10 in “points” that counted towards your monthly average

Seemed like a win/ win to give them $125 for a start up package and give it a rip. Then I actually sat and looked through the book- the products we would use (energy drinks, diet supplements, food etc.) were on average more than what I spend at Wallies/ PC- so whatever a few extra dollars each month- so I told them to order me a few things to try the products, then I realized YOU HAVE TO PAY SHIPPING, ON EVERY PURCHASE. This alone was enough to make me really want to say NO THANKS. I would rather spend a little time grocery shopping each week and pick up exactly what I want, I mean realistically, this could not eliminate grocery shopping. You’d still have to go to the store for milk, bread, airhead popsicles etc. why not spend an extra 2 min in the store instead of paying shipping every time you want to order?

Then smartie pants came back in and realized I was actually looking into it and reviewed the power point. Reading the small print, he realized only .25% actually make more than $50K a year, YES ONE QUARTER PERCENT. At that point, we both agreed it was not worth any more of our time. You would literally need to have 50-75 “customers” under you, spending on average $200-250 a month to make enough money to support ONE house hold salary.

Yes, I understand people could dedicate 40+ hours to this and MAYBE become one of the .25% that make a boat load of money, however THAT TAKES A LOT, A TON, A MEGASIZE AMOUNT of TIME. I will stick with having a salary job making more than the “average” and have a guaranteed paycheck in my account each week. If I want more money, I WILL MAKE MYSELF more money, I will not depend on others to “make” money for me.

What she said was, if you signed up for this your either ray charles or DUMB.

:rofl thanks for the cliffs wayne.

You guys are crazy, grimmickb and sully are on track to make $250,000 this year off this. Should’ve PM’ed them and got in on it while you had the chance!!

:rofl ^^^

Wayne, you have a keeper. :tbu

You guys never chimed back in to prove us all wrong…discouraged after just a couple months?

Could be this pyramid scheme was actually a tetrahedron so he could have accidentally picked the higher of the sides to climb up. Just throwing up possibilities.

no, why bother though?

Why the edit? Big difference between “I just didnt see the point to it” and “no, why bother though?” when the tune a few weeks back was:

For real, what was the game changer? Not really trying to be a dick, I just want to see if I was right? :slight_smile: lol


yes my son

No offense, but you had 0 right to post his edit. it was his choice to edit what he said and did it privately and you totally abused your mod powers to make that public…IMHO that is just as bad as what everyone crucified signh for.

HAHAHAHAH thats where you are wrong man. Notice my name isnt blue. I cant see his edits because I am a half/mod. I saw his reply, I replied with “+rep if you tell us why you changed your mind”

because I honestly wanted to know what changed his tune from a month ago.

Then, when it refreshed I noticed his edit and back pedal.

THEN I PARAPHRASED what IIRC he said… i put it in “” s for a reason.

Thats absolutely no different, infact its actually more benign, than catching someone’s edit inside an actual QUOTE, and leaving it up. Fuck if that was the case those people in your mind should go back and edit their replies accordingly.

I apologize then and :thumb for catching it before the edit hahaha.

nothing worse than doing a pyramid scheme and then not admitting its a rip off…

I know many people who do shit like this and ROI… Not one makes money. And most will never admit they wasted money for the rest of their lives.

+rep. Appology accepted man. I didnt take it to heart anyway bro. no worries.

I do think about how people will take my comments quite a bit actually. While they might be dickish from time to time, well maybe a bit more often than that lol, I do try to put a bit of respect behind them.

I would honestly like to know what the change was. Thats why I was going to praise him for manning up and spilling the beans on this whole thing. Like I said last month when this blew up and sully and I pissed on each other’s feet, I can admit when I am wrong if they became millionaires, but I would like the same respect back if we were right on our assumptions when it fell through. :number1

edit damn must spread first sorry homie.

Those damn ancient Egyptians even built huge diagrams of stone to show how they worked. Only people that made money on them, ended up buried alive inside of them for wasting all the people’s money.