Anyone own an EEEPC?

How do you like it? Is it running linux or windows?

Bestbuy has them for 275 these days, which is hard to beat.

Ya I was playing with one when I was getting mine a few weeks back. They are way to small to do anything useful IMO. I guess if you want something on campus to carry around as an electronic notepad or something they are pretty nice but I cant deal with that screen on a daily basis and they are typically only celeron processors.

I’m about to for wireless security auditing :lol: :tup:

I guess the new ones are coming with dual core atom processors and a 10" screen. LZ, lmk how you like it.

I’m looking to use it primarily for photoshop sketching on the go and other BS stuff. Boxxa, which model were you looking at?

I would get the one with the 8.9" screen

linux only though

edit: consider this as well:

pre-loaded ubuntu ftw

It was the small one they had at Best Buy. It had the celeron in it and XP on it. Was about the price range you said…like $275 or something.

I was planning on running BackTrack v3 on it when I pick one up shortly.

looks like you should hold out

live disk? hope you plan on booting that from thumb drive

oooooo that would be pretty killer :tup:

why get one of these… just for the size… ?

I was planning on installing it to the laptop…

pretty much. Easy to lug around with you (my current laptop weighs about 20 lbs, sans bag/extera battery/ect)

The price can’t be beat and it’s plenty powerful enough for most daily needs

i played with on in toyRus last week and did not like it to much… but im sure it can do more then what i was doing

didn’t realize they packaged it that way

pretty good setup for network auditing.

Backtrack always had the option/ability to be installed to disk

god I hate linux

I hate you

why not a UMPC?

or is this the same thing / different name?

$1299 != $275