Anyone Remember???

maybe for the older people here but what was the name of the chicken place in the galleria where tacobell is now? i dont know what made me think of it but i cant remember at all

I vaguely remember it, but I rarely go to the mall so I have no idea what it was called.

its annoying me, i can remember parts of it the symbol was a red and yellow chicken i think

i know someones has to remember


the place with the bourbon chicken? that used to have that black crossdresser with the white face makeup trying to give you free samples while you jumped out of your fucking skin?

that place is still there and its on the other side. and no this place wasnt a asian food place

was hooters even in the mall in the food court?. this was in the food court like in the area taco bell is

In-N-Out Burger ?


popeyes chicken?

was that the Cajun place that all the Asian people worked at?

fuckn asshole now it’s pissing me off!!!

kev you owe me a reach around I was tired now i’m gunna be up for an hour

wan tan chicken or wong tong maybe

cajun cafe i think…

is that the joint they used to always hand out samples?

hooters used to be across from jack astors

sometimes post make my brain hurt, i said it was not any kinda asain, jap, chin, food so anything like cajun or stuff is out. was popeyes even in the mall?

oh ya hooters was in the mall if forgot, but this place was in the food court, and was not asian food, and no samples were handed out. itwas kinda big and it was next to sabaros but not the chinese place. it was where the chinese place is now

hmmm I just always used to call it bourbon chicken. There food kicked ass until you felt sick afterwards. Havent ate there since high school tho.

Yeah i think that was it.

i remember the looney toons waterfall, that thing kicked ass.