I recently decided I’m going to run E85 in my turbo LT1 Camaro project (that I’m going to start working on again soon hopefully :headbang). I’d bought a set of 48lb Accel injectors for the car a while back but after calculating out the extra fuel delivery capacity I’d need (33% more) to run E85 I realized I’m going to need bigger injectors. :wow :nuts
I’ve been running blends of e85 in my GTO for a while and monitoring/adjusting for it with my Diablo Predator handheld tuner, but knew that at my current horsepower level I was already pushing the limits of the stock 28lb injectors so I had to keep the blend low (about 1/3 E85 max). Well now that I’ve got a spare set of 48lb injectors (since they’re too small for the Camaro) I figured what the hell why not go full blown e85 in the GTO. :ponder
So yesterday I swapped the 48lb Accels into the GTO and started to get a rough tune for the current mix in the tank (1/3 e85). Once I had it roughed in I headed over to Mobil on Wolf rd and topped the car off the rest of the way w/E85 so now I’m at roughly a 50/50 blend. Tuning for the bigger injectors hasn’t been too bad so far, but I’m still working on getting the injector slope dialed in so I haven’t even started to mess with WOT fueling yet. I did take the liberty to bump my WOT timing up 9% (aka 3 degrees) since that’s what most folks start out adding on E85 without any knock issues.
E85 is 105 octane and $2.99/gal vs gas at 93 octane and $4.55/gal. even with slightly lower gas mileage (1-2 mpgs so far for me) you’ve got to love what’s basically race gas for $3 a gallone :nod
After I get my first tune done I can just start a new basemap for E85 and switch it depending on whats in the tank. Even without my laptop I can switch tunes with the AC button. ;D
I know Johawk has been planning on doing this to his Trans Am with EFI Live I believe.
I gotta be honest I wouldn’t mind running my Jetta on it if it was possible.
b/c its basically corn whiskey and we can grow and produce it right here in the US. i have ran B99 in my truck with no problems, but the only place that has it is john ray in troy
I dont care about some blog. For everyone you find I can find one that says the opposite. Its a wash. And in the end ill be making more power at a lower cost…
you could also argue that a hybrid does more damage to the environment than a hummer, most people are too ignorant to see that just BUILDING the hybrid is worse for the environment than building and running a hummer or full size truck for its entire lifetime
the only reason e85 is rising the cost of food grade grain and corn, is b/c farmers get more for the same thing. Would you want to sell the same thing for less?
This goes beyond the environment but into things that directly affect us like consumer goods. I know a lot of people on this forum live with home but milk is $4.75 a gallon here. A brick of cheese is over $5.
B/c people are so blind that they think switching over to hybrids is gonna save everything, when in reality its doing more harm than good. If you could see how much ethanol industry has turned the port of albany around, you would be amazed. Its easiar to handle/transport, its less dangerous if spilled in almost everyway. I really dont care about the environment too much, but i think all the environmentalist junkies are all looking the wrong direction in terms of pretty much everything.
You are looking at just the port of Albany. What about the amount of energy it takes to create ethanol? What about the rising costs of consumer goods? The monetary savings aren’t even there given ethanol contains less energy (need more so don’t compare $2.99 vs $4.55 like the OP did). While this is an alternative solution, it is not the answer by any means at all right now.
Like hybrids, this is doing more harm than good as of right now.
Corn producers have been subsidized by the government prior to the ethanol boom and as far as I know they still are. This will all even out pretty quickly because corn is so easy to produce in the US and elsewhere (Mexico who has been pissed at us for subsidizing corn) why the hell not?
Yes, it does take more energy to produce, but you need to remember all of this is new. New ways of producing this stuff is getting better everyday, they could make, produce and refine ship all of this stuff without burning a drop of coal or fossil fuel with some of the new things comming out today. Some of the new farms are completly OFF GRID and run off of refined cowshit ( yes like madmax)
Pretty quickly? E85 is how old now? How many years does the US need to get fucked to realize that E85 is dog shit? Out of curiosity, aside from the cooling charge and higher octane, what is E85 doing? Before this year’s raise in fuel cost, it wasn’t even a savings. Is there now?