Anyone saw the Mazda crash on 401 today?

Dark blue mazda, most likely 2 door, it could’ve been black.
Zooms by me, going at least 180, all the way on the right side
doesn’t slow down, sneaks up all the way to the car in front,
then tries to be cool and make a sudden lane change, what he doesnt see
is that lane had a car just right in front of him. Being stuck and not being able to go back due to his high speed and not being able to stop, he did a literally 45’ swirve to the left (2 lanes over) almost into the barrier, at the very last second, he managed to only break his bumper and go straight again, but hitting a corolla full of kids with their parents in front, the corolla spun and we saw the rolla about 300m ahead. So pretty much Mazda did the pit movement on Corolla,

It was around like 8pm tonight by 401 and keele maybe? it could’ve been 401 and 404 around there anyways. We never saw the mazda stopped or anything but the crash was spectacular to say the least we thought he easily died with all the debris flying off and tire smoke and the dirt smoke from going over the shoulder. If anyone saw this or know the person who crashed his Mazda, tell him/her to confess, it just took off after never saw it again.

holy crap, I hope somebody got the plates.

people like that deserve to hav etheir arms and legs broken so they won’t drive again!

Think of the kids…and i’m being serious here.
I would have chased the car down and get plates and call the cops.

That’s definitely not cool. I’m sure someone got their plates and the cops probably have it covered. Especially if it was on the 401 with all the cameras…at least I hope someone got the plates

douchebags like that guy are the reason our insurance rates are so high.

I hope he got caught.

That would have been a perfect opportunity to use boost and see how fast your car can really go, just to get close enough to get the license plate that is.
It’s called a citizen arrest and one good deed for modified cars.

Imagine the headline, modded 240sx make citizen arrest on the 401 ,

Ok, I am going to stop dreaming now and finish my homework.

HAHAAH thats priceless, but true, it wouldve given the tuning community a better rep.

Yeah, it’ll be really cool when you take out another car full of kids. :confused: