Anyone ski or snowboard?

I won’t be out this weekend. I gotta get some stuff done on the house if I ever want to get moved into it!

I’m dying to try out a pair of tele ski’s!!

tele skiing is so much fun I started last march and they are def difficult to get used to but Im fairly competent on them now having 19 yrs of alpine skiing experience helped alot too. But the major thing Ive noticed is how it hs helped to refine my alpine skills and is also making my quads mad strong.

Every year for the past 5 years I say I wanna try a pair out. Maybe this year will be it!

Going in the tree’s or backcountry seems mad dangerous. Knee+rock/tree stump= :errr

Back country and skiing through the trees FTW. Fresh powder is always fun to shred!

shut up mosley

gonna be at gore or whiteface this weekend.

haha when are you taking your skirt off and gonna come shred?

My knees arent dragging on the ground. Also alot of tele skiers wear knee pads. But tele skis actually make backcountry skiing alot easier. They weigh about 5lbs less than standard skis and when combined with climbing skins theres really no more efficient way to earn your turns.


I’m alittle more concerned with Avalanches personally :frowning:

Yea we don’t have to worry about those on the right coast. Where’s the pic of the day?

Just got back from Jiminy it was pretty sick, they prolly got 8 inches or so. We were just duckin ropes most of the night and skiing the trails that are usually open in the day but not at night, it was good times. Also ace of spades went untouched for a loonnng portion of the night and we were gettin tracks on that all night. Plus the way the wind was blowing it was loading the edges of the trails nicely making it seem deeper than it really was in spots.

I’m debating on hitting up West tomorrow for some night action.

Ill be at Magic for opening day on Monday. No crowds and 20+ inches of unmolested fresh powder to ride will be worth the winds and bone chilling temps lol.

Magic picked up 25 inches of snow as of about 3pm and it was still snowing a little after 3. They are gonna have 38 of their 40 trails open and the ones that are closed you can still ski they are just recommended to be closed. There will be no one there so if you have $39 and an older pair of skis and feel like doin some freeride type skiing/boardig should check it out some time this week before the shitty weather gets here on Wednesday potentially.

powder up over my face in spots at Gore :giggedy

Magic was insane, 26 inches, no crowd and I nabbed first tracks on 3 of my favorite trails. Heres a couple pics of what every trail looked like today:

First tracks:

Def probably the deepest day I’ve had on the east coast in a Looonngggg time.

wouldnt say long time, remember valentines day 36+in?

yeah but I was at mt snow for that one, so it was crowded and you had to battle other skiers. Plus it was windy and carinthia was the only lift turning. I’ll take 26" of back to back untouched runs over the 30" day last year.

I skied magic again today and got more powder snow skiing in. Here’s all the people I had to share the mtn with (this is seriously everyone):