Anyone thinking or will be switching to iPhone 5?

I guess I’m a processor speed whore given how much I use the thing for work. I also just got my iPhone 4 so Apple’s trade up deal will hopefully make it a no brainer.

The world phone/dual band/blah blah thing is huge too for any phone-reliant person that goes abroad.

Seems weird they would not have 4G? Technology is out there, most MSAs will have 4G capability by the end of the year. Then again maybe it’s not necessary given how many people didnt sell their iPhone 4 for the recent 4G Android stuff.

Yeah I edited saying it doesn’t seem to have 4G, however it’s still not official as there are rumors of something similar to 4G but not exactly that.

With that said, 4G drains the battery even more so than 3G does, which isn’t good.

Only thing from an upgrade I may consider of value is a camera and that alone may make me reconsider as I take quite a few pictures with the phone as it’s always on me.

Video describing the camera

Second perk that may make me reconsider is Siri, which if nothing else is a cool gimmick

Video on Siri

Plus finally, if I understand it right, many new Apps may not be 3GS compatible being made specifically for new product.

Will it be possible to upgrade the 3GS to IOS 5 when it comes out? When IOS 4 came out didn’t they limit it to the two newest phones thereby kinda forcing the 3G owners to upgrade?

Yea, according to Apple’s site, iOS5 is compatible w/ 3GS, 4, 4S (obviously), iPad 1 and 2, iPod Touch 3G and 4G.

Cool. I’ll pre order one or two

iOS5 will barely be handled by my 3GS I’m sure.

iOS4 slowed the phone down considerably already.

Really? NVIDIA's quad-core Kal-El used to demo next-gen mobile graphics, blow minds (video)

I mean Dual-Core is so 2010. :rofl

If anyone can stuff that into a functional business phone, I’m game.

Businessmen ITT


I was using my bionic in florida with a Golf GPS app to measure yardages and I only had 3G, by the end of the round I still had 35-45% battery left.

I used the same app the week I came back at Stadium in schenectady where there was 4G coverage the whole time. Phone was dead by like the 15th hole.

I guess I could turn the 4G off for that application since it really doesn’t need it, but definitely shows how much battery 4G kills.

4g definitely kills batteries, but it’s worth it IMO.

ill be seeing what verizon has in march when im due… hopefully iphone 5 or whatever model is out then.


100% agree.

My iphone 4 never has any OS issues.

I won’t be upgrading till im eligible, don’t see the need at the present time.

iPhone is claiming they will have a faster, 4G like connection through ATT and only ATT stations.

If it’s a faster 3G service, without extra drain on the battery, I’m interested, even if it’s not as fast as 4G.

Is the iPhone 4S the “5”, or will there be an iPhone 5 to replace the 4S?

There will be a 5 to replace the 4GS which is bound to come out after the 4S.

So 2013 :crackup

Thats what I thought…