Anyone thinking or will be switching to iPhone 5?

4g “like” they claim 7.2mbps on their networks now what are you guys actually seeing? 2.5 if you are lucky. So double that. lets be generous and quadruple it to 10mbps. I see 20+mbps when i have good service.

Never the less if you got 5mbps thats still a good upgrade, but it just cant compete with the new 4g networks which in the future allegedly will transmit up to 100mbps.

It’s not the future for cellphones if battery can’t keep up worth a damn.

3G barely lasts me a whole day and sometimes runs low too quickly.

I understand that you can switch it on or off but I don’t feel like having to do it everytime I open the browser, which is often.

For laptops I’m sure it will work very well.

Otherwise either batt life has to dramatically improve to support big cellphone screens and 4G, or something else is going to need to be figured out.

Get extendo batteries. My shit runs all day no sweat.

My iphone 4 lasts 2 days without charging

No it doesn’t.

Truth, I only charge my iPhone 4 every other night, and I use it quite a bit, texts, calls, FB and a few games.

Nuts. Mines sub 15% by 9pm every night if I dont charge regularly through the day (use constantly).

droid vs iphone battle is impossible to determine a winner. everyone has there favorite and every phone will have its problems with individual people. a few of my friends have droids and some have been fantastic and others were nightmares, same for iphones too. each model also has its ups and downs in comparison, i think the real moral of the story is that blackberries suck

Just throwing this out there, but I’m loving my Sidekick 4G so far. Made by Samsung, so its basically running on the same exact hardware as every other smartphone out there. I mostly just use the wifi, but T-Mobile’s 4G is fast.

Had some issues with the ram filling up and slowing the phone down, but that was a result of the stupid 3rd party games I loaded it up with. Deleted them, and it runs great now. I’ll chalk that up to user error on my part.

Froyo, swype (which makes having a touch screen bearable), decent camera, and a real keyboard for when I want to type something longer than a sentence. Awesome.

:rofl:rofl:rofl So true

I like iPhone and Android alike so im not going to bother getting into this battle as everyone has their opinion on it and most only see’s their side of the battle

Regardless they are both great phones

I will say the “openess” of android got old for me, I stopped dicking with everything 6 months after i got my first android phone, the only reason why I have it rooted now is for wireless tethering, aside from that i have no need to.

Was hoping Apple would jump on the 4" screen bandwagon, if they did I’d be picking one up

Check out MIUI and THEN tell me you have no reason to dick with it again…

Havent used MIUI but have dicked with quite a few diff roms on friends evos and my OG droid…

While they are cool, its just whatever after awhile and I end up going back to how it was out of the box.

Your litterally the ONLY person Ive talked to that has that much hate for the iPhone and iOS and has had as many “problems” with it as you have.

I had my 3G for ay ear never had a single issue with it, just hated AT&T

I switched to MIUI and haven’t looked back.

Yup, I’m the only person that has a problem – that’s why you have to make an appointment to get your phone swapped out at the Apple store and theres always some ridiculous number of people there getting theirs looked at. Face it bro, they suck.

iPhones are the Toyota camrys of cellphones. Simple, unexciting, they work well, will do all the basic stuff you want very well, reliable.

Droid is the tuner of phones. Not much stock but has potential to be a 9 second machine.

Most of the world is happy with camrys not matter how boring they look to car guys.

jdaniels, resident apple hater

Second in command Apple hater here, reporting for duty

Probably going with Nexus Prime if it is within my price range. Let see what happens on Oct 11.

…back to the studio.

Anybody buy it yet?