Anyone up for ANOTHER trackday at SMP? Friday, Saturday or Sunday????

im down

Right now saturday and sunday are looking good at 10 degrees. Nice!!!

So Ronnie any updates?

Hey dudes. Glad we’re getting some reponse now.

As it stands, Nelson seems to be the one with the most votes, speak up if you’re for Fabi. We’re gonna go with majority.

Updates are as follows.

If you guys want this to happen, I need EMT’s in STAT!

If you are coming, copy the list and add your name to it. pls put confirmed next to your name.

When the list reaches 15 confirmed, the day will be considered a go. To cover 2000, we need 15 people at $150.

Due to it being the end of the year, turnout will be lower so the price will be at 150.

As soon as the list reaches 15, send your emt payments to :

I will NOT deposit the money into my account until ALL 15 payments have been received and at that point, I’ll deposit and book the day. If I do NOT receive 15 payments by thursday to book the day, then you can all cancel your transfers. I CANNOT afford to lose money on this day.

Pls post your name on the list and I will update.

I am doing my best to answer all questions but I would request that all questions be addressed to my email as it is much easier to reply and my pm box is pretty full.

Let’s do this! Get your names up!

  1. Harmit – Gyani

If we get more people, the cost goes down. Remember that.

Let’s go for 20 people at 100. Do it.

Remember, you also have a pretty good chance of winning a FREE trackday. There is going to be a better than 20-1 chance of you winning. Those odds aren’t bad at all.

If we get more people, I’ll start throwing in other prizes too! (I have too many parts and need to get rid of some, any way I can, hahahhaha) The more people there are, the better this day will be.

So POST UP if you’re coming. When people start confirming, I guarnatee that you’ll see an influx. This day can only happen if you guys post up SOON!

ive never been to fabi or nelson were is it thanks

Nelson and Fabi are both track configurations at SMP. (Shannonville Motorsports Park) SMP is just East of Belleville. It’s a 1.5 hour drive from scarborough and 2 hour drive from Sauga.

Track Config Maps

This is Nelson…on a sportbike…hahahhahahah.

Relaxing Session on the Fabi so you get a good idea of it:

Another Relaxing Session on the Fabi from Front on:

(Side note…I still don’t understand why the car guys call it FULL track either, it doesn’t ever list as FULL TRACK, Even thier website calls it Long track. Pffft, car guys. hahaha.)

I’d like to book Long Track next year FOR SURE! BEST parts of Nelson and Fabi all in ONE trackday…mmmmm. yummy.

Wha happpppan? Postup dudes. I need to know! Seriously, I don’t get it. All this interest, then nothing.

Remeber, the more we get, the cheaper. Let’s aim for 100 each.

  1. Keez Cut - Confirmed
  2. Captain Retardo (Ronnie) - Confirmed
  3. Harmin Harmit (Gyani) - Confirmed
  4. Union Mob Boss (.white240.) - Confirmed

Denis, it would be awesome if you came! Of course I’ll take you for another spin, this time we’ll go for some grip laps to!

Failed my etest, fml. Anyone wanna lend me a dealer plate? If so, I’m in. :slight_smile: haha

Dude. Wtf. You fixed exhaust leak first? How much meth you run?

damn, wats wrong with people. :frowning:

I want to drift one more time.

Yeah, Riyad welded the hole shut. Me and Roel replaced blown gasket from turbo elbow-downpipe.

2 litres meth with quarter tank 91 octane.

  1. Keez Cut - Confirmed
  2. Captain Retardo (Ronnie) - Confirmed
  3. Harmin Harmit (Gyani) - Confirmed
  4. Union Mob Boss (.white240.) - Confirmed
  5. Derrick (24oSX) - Confirmed

10 to go…

if i can get a truck to pull my trailer im in

need to confirm asap. All “maybes and ifs” are going to be considered “no’s” as I can’t book on a maybe!

Make it happen dudes! You have a couple of days! Work it!

Jesus Mike. Post up your numbers. Fail as hot rod?


HC ppm 212…193
CO% 5.23…3.08
NO ppm 707

failed CO% both running and idle.

damn, your car must not have a working cat and some other underlying problem.